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Adaptive Half Refresh Rate Vsync - Why not AMD?
I'd like to know why AMD in his drivers [Radeon Settings] doesn't have a Adaptive Half Refresh Rate 1/2 to cap the FPS to 30 same to Nvidia and Without Micro-Stuttering.. .I would like to play videogames at 30fps like console experience. the radeon chill I don't like it... it get a lot of stuttering... wheter I cap to min 30fps max 30fps... and I don't want to pay a freesync monitor because the LFC just for that... is already expensive.... and not all freesync monitor bring them...
I also used the RivaTuner with Scanline Sync x/2 and the same I see micro-stuttering c'mon AMD isn't hard to put that option... other question who has used that option on NVIDIA Panel? works fine? the 30fps capped?

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you DISABLE vsync on AMD and use something called "freesync" instead in most cases.. But if you need vsync you enable ENHANCED SYNC which only uses vsync with high FPS to prevent wobbling as needed and will disable vsync if your FPS is low like 30fps.. The Chill feature lets you enable set a minimum and a maximum so if your display is 120hz you can set a max of 120hz then if your GPU outputs 200fps instead of 200 it will be outputting maybe 110fps or something under 120.. HOWEVER CHILL lets your GPU save on power and the fans run quieter and because its not cranking max load power and stuff and outputting 200fps but instead doing like half that.. it has breathing space between the frames.. so it more evenly feeds them out greatly reducing latency. If you hate loud fan RPMs and want lower operating temps and lower latency you should use CHILL then. BUT the problem is if you cap your game FPS or limit it in the in game software and dont have it set to "unlimited" and are trying to use other silly methods to control your Vsync then it will cause CHILL to stutter and game poorly..
it maybe also requires the game to be fullscreen exclusive as most graphics cards features do.
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There might be something else going on if you're experiencing Frame Jittering.
Chill isn't really intended to Cap the Framerate., instead what it does is reduce the Framerate based upon your Control Input so that the GPU is utilised less when you're not actively playing... say like you're waiting for a Dungeon in an MMO and just talking via chat.
I'd argue it's not overly useful for Desktops as let's be honest, no one really cares about how much Power their GPU is using and generally speaking most scenarios where you'd be sat doing nothing; you're not really paying a game that is pushing the GPU to it's limits.
Now, I'd say that it's quite odd that you want to Force all your games to run at 30Hz (30 Frames per Second) Refresh... but if that's what you want to ensure; then just switch your Display Refresh Rate (Settings > System > Display > Advanced) to 30Hz.
That will mean that V-Sync will also be locked to 30Hz.
With the exception of games within the past 12 months., most if you put them in Fullscreen will give you the option of setting the Refresh Rate (so you can set it PER Game, rather than Globally for Windows).
Beyond this most games also have a Frame Limiter., although can be named other things that will cap the Rendering Logic to only update every 30/60/Unlimited. And they also typically work with V-Sync Enabled.
This is why AMD actually removed the ability to switch your Display Refresh from the Drivers., although you can still manually set it via Custom Resolutions; which those will ONLY activate when you use said Resolution.
So if you want the "True" Console experience...then setup a 1080p Custom Resolution that switches to 30Hz Timing.
Then when you run the games at 1080p, it'll switch to that.
Enable Virtual Super Resolution on your Desktop (if your display is 1080p) and then run the Desktop at a Higher Resolution., this won't use your Custom Resolution.
With this said., I'm curious as to why you're experiencing Frame Pacing issues when limiting the Framerate.
What would be useful would be knowing your Hardware Setup and the Games this happens on... as the issue could be linked to your setup.
Say for example you're using 2/3/4x Crossfire RX 580 or such., as even when using 1 GPU in a Multi-GPU setup; some Frame Pacing Issues can creepy in; esp. now that AMD have discontinued support for Crossfire in favour of Native Multi-GPU via Vulkan / DirectX 12.
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You claim theres frame pacing issues, well are you using freesync freesync outputs frames as they're available so there is no pacing..? or are you using some sort of vsync or alternate buffering system which may be the issue? Which multiGPU system are you running them in ? AFR, AFR Compatible? 1x1 optimized? and so on??
You are misunderstanding Vsync and chill and freesync and enhanced sync. Chill is just like "dynamic resolution scaling" but for quieter fans and lower temps and does similarly enhance performance/feel smoothness of gameplay.
Say your monitor is 120hz.. if you output 200fps it must evenly be fed to the monitor and displayed at 120hz.. this needs buffering and sorting and controlled pace to feed to the monitor. So it requires some CPU and software effort.. This is known as VSYNC. To save on GPU power usage and have the fans run quiter while not making any perceivable drop in gaming fps performance you can use chill so that when the mouse isnt moving around the GPU can relax its workload.. but when you move the mouse like crazy it will go up to the max your display can handle. But by staying within the FPS display limits but more leisurely than GPU full throttle all day it actually means theres lower latency and can be an improved gaming experience. So your 120hz gaming may feel smooth and fast as if it were 200hz .. though it isnt and your GPU fans are quieter and your computer works less hard.
Because Display has a physical hz cycle rate of 120hz.. if you enable Vsync software buffering.. your software will line up 120 frames of output for your display.. which means your FPS numbers will NEVER GO ABOVE 120FPS! this is because of how vsync works and what it does.. But if you are gaming and your display is constantly outputting 120hz but your FPS drops to say 40hz this is under 120hz so you arent having a full 120hz frame buffer.. so it may have some stutter or jitter or lag because of your garbage old school software vsync buffer. So how it used to be done is software would say "if below 120hz divide frame buffer in half to 60hz" so then your FPS would sort of cap at 60.. till you went above 120hz to like 180fps or something again. But if your FPS goes up and down a lot if it keeps dipping it may need to halve from 60 again to 30.. as it refills the VSYNC software buffer it lags and stutters as its maybe got uneven numbers of frames that dont divide into 30/60/120 and its queueing up a new buffer (stack pile in the queue to be output to display at the constant rate of 120hz)
So AMD said dont dwell in the terrible despair of vsync which makes you gaming CPU and GPU average frametime ms latency jump from 2-6ms up to 20ms use our enhanced sync instead if you need Vsync it will REMOVE the display cap limit on vsync so if your monitor is 120hz your FPS wont have a ceiling of 120, you can instead have FPS like 193 or other random numbers i just made up that are higher than 120hz. The way it works is for high FPS it uses a low latency fast buffer enhanced sync mode.. and if the FPS drops lower then the buffering is disabled.. The only downside to the awesome that is enhanced sync is if your game drops down to very very low frame rates then you probably dont need vsync as its usually used to stop the wobble tearing that becomes exaggerated at higher frame rates. you maybe will feel the game laggy or stuttery under 30fps but thats just low fps not the buffering probably..
The reason game devs provide the option to lock or cap the framerate in some game engines is they maybe use the game speed based on FPS speed for some 2d platformers or other titles so if your street fighter is animated for a fixed FPS of say 24fps.. but your GPU is running it at 250fps.. you cant play it they're too fast. So you can cap the FPS to a fixed rate in the game software often. Or it could be the game has its own buffering/output system but you see if you have problems with the FPS becoming too high like 200 fps or 300fps and your game feels wobbly because you dont want to turn vsync on. using an ingame fixed limit on the FPS is an alternative to using vsync. Almost all games will have these caps built into them for the game engine for ingame cutscenes.. many console titles are 30fps like the witcher 3.. and have 30fps cutscenes.. so it feels cutscene like at 30fps but you've the option to force or change your gameplay to be the same fps as the cutscenes on the PC port of the console games so the gameplay feels as it did on console or you can sometimes change cutscene fps in game settings and so on. There are many times a title may require fullscreen exclusive mode to use certain functions or hardware features like freesync. When the game takes over the desktop and does the monitor output you must tell it the display refresh rates and resolutions for the game to draw it.. or just select borderless fullscreen instead but then some features like HDR may possibly not be available in some cases as it used to be in the past not certain as of now.
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AMD had FRTC control but in their wisdom decided to remove it from the drivers.
If you are on a pre Navi card if you don't need the newest drivers you can return to prior driver and get that functionality back.
I use chill and have no issue with it capping my frames regardless of what it is intended for.
If a game has in game controls I always use those to cap first if available. Controlling the game engine in game is usually the best thing to do.
Third party apps while AMD does not recommend them give you some additional options too.
Afterburner, Trixx, Riva Tuner etc... If you don't find what helps you can try other software. Just know that 3rd party stuff can fix one thing and mess up another.
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AMD was wise in removing FRTC because in their wisdom nobody knew how to use the thing and kept trying to turn it on to CAP the frame rate and use things like enhanced sync and chill together with it when both of those are specifically designed to NOT cap the frame rate.. chill is a performance target not a hard cap. CAPPING something designed to NOT BE CAPPED causes CONFLICT. since hardly anything needs it and chill is the superior method and reduces latency rather than adds it they got rid of it altogether to stop people complaining about things not working when they turned everything on particularly all the things they didnt even know what they did.. Its one thing to test things out one by one one and a time and learn.. but its another to toggle everything on at once and say "lets add some dx 9 enhancements to my dx12 game and lower the latency by removing the buffering then we'll add in extra buffering, no wait double the buffering and more latency.. then we'll turn on several directx 12 features many that are meant for use in only several select titles like boost as they must be supported by the game. Then I will set the tessellation to highest because higher is best 64x... now lets set antialiasing to max so i can benchmark it.. this is going to be sooo AWESOME!" and then they get benchmark results that says it games lousy like some sort of nvidia card or intel GPU.. bleargh.. and cry about how much they regret buying AMD.. of course AMD has to remove and disable things whenever they arent important or necessary. All software/apps that need such limits will have them in game or will have tools that allow you to achieve the same result available.
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I typically used chill too. I did have a couple games though that did not play nice with the chill setting. Did not have any in game settings to control the cap so FRTC was a good alternative. Yes combining many technologies together was an issue and likely keeping the support guys at AMD explaining not to do that. I do personally miss the option. It's alway nice to have another way to go when something doesn't work right.