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General Discussions

Journeyman III

5700xt Monitor Problems When Watching Certain Videos

I'm using a 5700xt graphics card and I'm posting to ask for your advice as I got a video related error recently If you watch this video on a full screen, the video stops and even if you take an esc-like action, the full screen is released 5 seconds later, and the monitor screen has an error after it has been released. You can watch the video of the error on another site

That error can be solved by turning off the monitor and turning it back on, but it's a pretty inconvenient error for me, so I really want to solve it. First of all, I've tried changing the location of the dp port on the graphics card, changing the display port on the monitor, changing the line, updating the adrenaline driver, and so on, but I haven't solved it yet

There is a limit to the amount of money available, so I can't change all the power of the monitor graphic card, so I'll change the product that has a lot of opinions

I turned on the translator because I couldn't speak English because I wanted to solve it too much, so please understand if there is any awkward or weird writing

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