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General Discussions

Adept I

23.11.1 package shows as Malware

Hi friends,

I was on 23.9.2 I think prior to the latest update, I didn't get any of the 23.10.x series ones & got 23.11.1 today, installation went through.

Then all of a sudden before getting confirmation message of the completion of installation, I instead got warnings & threat alerts from my AV Bitdefender.

In the details I could see "\AMD_Software_Installer_23.11.1\.DownloadComplete.tmp" file was infected, so I deleted the file - as the only other option was  "Quarantine".

Then I got another message from my AV claiming it blocked a total of 52 processes due to Advanced Threat Defense system -




I could open Adrenaline without any issues & it showed I have the latest recommended release.


I tried to perform a reboot & I was stuck in Manufacturer's Logo page & it wouldn't go further even after 3-4 mins, so I performed 3 hard reboots the final one initiating Windows Repair & after nearly 5 mins, had this -


This is the first time my AV Bitdefender reported the AMD package as malware.

2 Replies

There have been some issues with some cheat detecting software thinking you're cheating if you're using some of the latest features (CS2, for example). That's happening because performance increasing features rolled out mess with some game files. So people were potentially getting banned. My guess is that's probably something similar here, just a false positive from anti-virus acting up. Assuming you downloaded the drivers through adrenalin update or AMD site and not somewhere else. This happens with some software, my antivirus was freaking out when I was using a HEX editor because it can mess with files.

I also updated yesterday to that version and haven't had anything like that, my antivirus is sitting quiet.

Hey Caligo,

I updated the software through AMD Adrenaline software itself, "Check for Updates", I had set it to "Recommended Updates Only" a while ago after one of the latest update screwed up settings. Since, I have been on Recommended updates, all updates have been more or less without any issues.

Even though I have a Gaming Laptop, I don't have any games on it I just use it for my work purposes only.

I ran "sfc /scannow" too & even my latest reboot took more than a few mins to boot stuck again on Manufacturer page, which is something new. Usually lappy hangs on "Welcome" screen for maybe 10-20 secs rarely, never on the manufacturers page for more than 5-10 secs.


I raised the issue with Bitdefender too & they wanted me to run one of their log scripts & give them the result, which I did.


 I wasn't sure, where the prob lies so raised the issue over here too, along with my AV