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AMD FSR 2.2 Now Available on GPUOpen and FSR Supported in 250 Available and Upcoming Games

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Upsize Performance. Maximize Fidelity.

Last November at our AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 Series launch we announced AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 2.2 (1), the latest update to our open-source and cross-platform temporal upscaling technology that has been built to deliver incredible image quality and help boost framerates in supported games. Soon after, Forza Horizon 5 was the first game to get FSR 2.2, then the next game to get 2.2 was Need for Speed™ Unbound in December, and just last month F1® 22 was updated with FSR 2.2.

Now we are releasing the open-source FSR 2.2 API and source code on for all developers and even hobbyists (such as mod makers) to use in their games and projects and with this release, you should expect to see more games adopting this updated version. In addition to the FSR 2.2 release, there have been several other exciting releases on GPUOpen over the past few months, including AMD Radeon™ Developer Tool Suite (RDTS) updates that we’ll cover in more detail later in this blog.

Along with all these updates for developers, we’re also excited to announce that FSR is now supported in 250 available and upcoming games, with 110 of those games supporting FSR 2. Some of the latest games to get FSR 2 include: Ballads of Hongye, BLACKTAIL, Dead Space, F1 22, Forspoken, Perish, and Squad.

Lastly, you can learn more about all our upcoming exciting developer presentations at this year’s GDC 23 (Game Developer Conference), which will cover topics like AMD FidelityFX™ technologies and our other developer tools and technologies. Read on in this blog for further information about all the above.

High-Velocity FSR 2.2

FSR 2.2 is our second update to our FSR 2 temporal upscaling technology and upgrades the already improved upscaling image quality of FSR 2.1 with further quality enhancements. The biggest change in this update is new logic that aims to reduce "High-Velocity Ghosting", an issue that is common in some games, and in particular racing games when playing in the third person. That’s why the first three games to get FSR 2.2 prior to today’s GPUOpen release were racing games.

FSR 2.2 also has a new "Debug API Checker" feature for developers. This enables the FSR 2 runtime to send debug messages back to games during their development, notifying game engineers of issues. On top of these updates, there are many other changes to further improve image quality beyond just addressing ghosting at high speeds.

These other changes include improved depth and accumulation logic to improve disocclusion detection, which should reduce the level of artifacts seen during disocclusions, updated reactive mask logic, which should further reduce ghosting issues, and improved temporal stability, which should result in less flickering on objects. Our FSR 2 documentation has been updated to reflect all these changes. You can learn more details about all the changes in FSR 2.2 on GPUOpen.

AMD FSR is Now Supported in 250 Available and Upcoming Games

In 2022, the adoption rate of our FSR technology skyrocketed, going from 110 available and upcoming games for the first anniversary of FSR in June, to 226 in December, and now we’ve hit another big milestone. There are now 250 available and upcoming games that support either FSR 1 or FSR 2. And out of those 250 games, 110 of them support our latest FSR 2 technology and we soon expect the number of FSR 2 games to overtake the number of FSR 1 games.

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Out of the 110 FSR 2 games, 65 of them are available NOW for you to play. Some of the latest games to get FSR 2 include Ballads of Hongye, BLACKTAIL, Dead Space, F1® 22, Forspoken, Perish, and Squad.

As for upcoming games and game updates, titles recently added to our support list include Achilles: Legends Untold, Century: Age of Ashes, Deliver Us Mars, Forever Skies, Fort Solis, and Meet Your Maker. The latest complete list of supported FSR 2 games can be found in our AMD Red Team Community post here, which is frequently updated, so check back often.

Other GPUOpen News for Developers

GPUOpen isn’t just for FSR, it’s also home to a broad selection of open technologies and tools for developers that all support the core philosophy of GPUOpen – that supporting open standards, creating open technologies and tools, and being open about our hardware drives innovation forward faster and further than any proprietary technology can.


Over the past few months, we’ve continued to support that vision with a variety of new and updated releases on GPUOpen. Read on for a high-level look at these but for all the technical details, you can check out the full articles on GPUOpen linked below.

Introducing AMD Render Pipeline Shaders (RPS) SDK

The RPS SDK is a comprehensive Render Graph framework for graphics applications and engines using explicit APIs (such as DirectX® 12 and Vulkan®). Render Graphs (also referred to as Frame Graphs or Task Graphs) are an efficient solution for problems developers face such as efficient transient memory management that can result in sub-optimal performance. The RPS SDK intends to make Render Graphs more easily accessible for developers and you can learn more about the SDK here.

AMD Render Pipeline Shaders (RPS) SDK diagram.jpgClick to enlarge

AMD Radeon Developer Tool Suite Updates

The latest version of the AMD Radeon™ Developer Tool Suite (RDTS) is now available. RDTS is a comprehensive set of tools for developers in one package that includes the AMD Radeon GPU Profiler (RGP), Radeon GPU Analyzer (RGA), Radeon Memory Visualizer (RMV), Radeon Raytracing Analyzer (RRA), and Radeon Developer Panel (RDP). This update is full of brand-new features and updates, including support for the recently released AMD Radeon™ RX 7000 Series GPUs.

AMD Radeon Raytracing Analyzer (RRA) 1.1 screenshot.jpgClick to enlarge

Other key updates include the AMD Radeon Raytracing Analyzer (RRA) 1.1 update that includes changes to the camera system and support for split triangles and rebraided instances. The Radeon GPU Profiler has also been updated to v1.14 with new features and updates to support HIP applications. You can learn more details about these updates and others made to the tools included in the RDTS in this GPUOpen blog.

AMD Advanced Media Framework SDK Updates

The Advanced Media Framework (AMF) SDK provides developers with optimal access to AMD GPUs for multimedia processing and over the past few months we’ve released two updates on GPUOpen.


The first update, AMF v1.4.28 added support for AV1 encoding️ ,12-bit AV1 decoding, a new VQEnhancer component, and a new AVC / HEVC encoder rate control method
(2). We then followed soon after with AMF v1.4.29, which introduced AMD Smart Access Video for decoder & AVC/HEVC/AV1 encoders, and more (2). You can learn more about the latest updates to AMF on GPUOpen.

Other Recent GPUOpen Releases and Updates

Along with the news listed above, there have been other recent updates on GPUOpen including:

  • AMD GPU Services (AGS) 6.1 is now available, adding AMD RDNA™ 3 GPU support, VS2022 versions of the static libs, and a new sample. Learn more.

  • Compressonator v4.3 is out now and features Brotli-G lossless compression, multi-texture mipmap generation, and much more. Learn more.

  • AMD Device Library eXtra (ADLX), a new modern library and SDK designed to access features and functionality of AMD systems in the categories of Display, 3D graphics, and more. Learn more.

You can read more about the latest AMD developer announcements on GPUOpen.

AMD GPUOpen Will Be at GDC 2023

We also have more info about our upcoming exciting developer presentations at this year’s GDC (Game Developer Conference) taking place March 20 – 24, 2023 that will cover topics like AMD FidelityFX technologies, Microsoft® DirectStorage, and the AMD Radeon Developer Tool Suite.


Here are the sessions we’ll be presenting at GDC 23:

  • Temporal Upscaling: Past, Present, and Future
  • The FidelityFX SDK
  • Real-time Sparse Distance Fields for Games
  • DirectStorage: Optimizing Load-Time and Streaming
  • Optimizing Game Performance with the Radeon™ Developer Tool Suite
  • AMD Ryzen Processor Software Optimization
  • Two-level Radiance Caching for Fast and Scalable Real-Time Dynamic Global Illumination in Games (part of the Advanced Graphics Summit)

Learn more details about all these sessions in our GDC 23 GPUOpen blog.

Get the Latest News About FSR

For Gamers: Check out the AMD Community gaming blogs, the AMD Red Team Community, AMD Radeon™ social media channels on Twitter and Facebook, and the FSR web page.

For Developers: Stay tuned to the GPUOpen news and FSR 2 page for the latest information and the GPUOpen Twitter account.





Alexander Blake-Davies
is a Senior Software Product Marketing Specialist for Radeon™ Software for Developers at AMD.



Links to third-party sites are provided for convenience and unless explicitly stated, AMD is not responsible for the contents of such linked sites and no endorsement is implied. GD-98

  1. AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) versions 1 and 2 are available on select games that require game developer integration and are supported on select AMD products. AMD does not provide technical or warranty support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution enablement on other vendors' graphics cards. See for additional information. GD-187
  2. Video codec acceleration (including at least the HEVC (H.265), H.264, VP9, and AV1 codecs) is subject to and not operable without inclusion/installation of compatible media players. GD-176


Achilles: Legends Untold are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Dark Point Games S.A. © 2022 Dark Point Games S.A.

BLACKTAIL © 2022 BLACKTAIL, a game developed by THE PARASIGHT and published by Focus Entertainment. BLACKTAIL, THE PARASIGHT, Focus Entertainment, and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks. All other trademarks, registered trademarks or their logos belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Century: Age of Ashes - Copyright © 2021 Playwing LTD. All rights reserved.

Dead Space © 2023 Electronic Arts Inc.

Deliver Us Mars © 2023 KeokeN Interactive B.V. All rights reserved. Published by Frontier Developments plc. ‘Frontier’ ‘Frontier Foundry’ and the Frontier logo are trademarks of Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.

F1® 22 Game - an official product of the FIA Formula One World Championship. © 2022 Electronic Arts Inc. EA, EA SPORTS, the EA SPORTS logo, Codemasters, EGO, and the Codemasters logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc.

Forever Skies 2021 © Far From Home S.A.: Forever Skies and Far From Home are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Far From Home S.A. All rights reserved.

FORSPOKEN © Luminous Productions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. FORSPOKEN, LUMINOUS PRODUCTIONS, and the LUMINOUS PRODUCTIONS logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

MEET YOUR MAKER © 2021-2023 and BEHAVIOUR, MEET YOUR MAKER and other related trademarks and logos belong to Behaviour Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.

PERISH © 2022 THQ Nordic AB Sweden. Developed by ITEM42 LTD, UK. Published by HandyGames, Germany. PERISH, THQ, THQ Nordic, HandyGames, and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Nordic AB. All rights reserved.

Squad © 2023 Offworld Industries Ltd.

Additional developer and game attributions:

© 2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, FidelityFX, Radeon, RDNA, Ryzen, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. DirectX is either a trademark or a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the US and/or other countries. Vulkan and the Vulkan logo are registered trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.