Had a chance to take the preview driver for a spin in VR yesterday. Shout out to the developers, it's FANTASTIC.
I'm mostly playing DCS World in VR, using a Reverb G2, which is very demanding on a GPU. 6900XT comports itself very well in that game to begin with; in a head-to-head trial I was able to document at least 10% improvement in GPU time with the preview driver.
That was probably too easy a test; moving over to a more complex environment -- lots of static objects, lots of textures -- I noted a dramatic increase in frame rates, I was blown away.
Unfortunately a windows upgrade broke it, causing black screen in Reverb G2, so I had to roll back to the most recent stable release.
Still, I'm impressed, to say the least. I'm excited for future releases. Know that your hard work is greatly appreciated.
Can't wait to check it out when I get a Radeon GPU
@blazek Which AMD GPU are you looking to grab?
Saving up to eventually get a 6950, unless RDNA 3 GPUs release before then.
@blazek Oh yeah, I'd definitely tell you to hold onto that money for RDNA3. At worst, if RDNA3 is sold out or out of your price range, you'll probably be able to get a sweeter deal on a 6950 XT down the line.