"The merciless clash between tyrannical dictator Doctor Doom and his future counterpart from the year 2099 has forced countless universes to collide in the Timestream Entanglement, creating new worlds and crises unknown. Now, Super Heroes and Villains from across the multiverse must fight together and against one another as disparate groups each seek to best both Dooms before one achieves domination of these realities. Familiar faces become newfound foes while former enemies become the greatest of allies in Marvel Rivals!" - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2767030/Marvel_Rivals/
Marvel Rivals sounds like an epic showdown! The idea of two Doctor Dooms from different timelines clashing and causing a multiversal crisis is thrilling. Heroes and villains teaming up across realities offers endless possibilities for unexpected alliances and fierce battles. Can't wait to see how the different universes collide and how familiar characters evolve into new rivals!