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Gaming Discussions

Adept III

First multiplayer game you ever played - I'll go first

Hi all!

Another week, another question - what was the first multiplayer game you ever played?

For me it was Starcraft, on a local lan, where my cousins absolutely curb stomped me. I liked building bases, they liked killing my bases. Match not made in heaven.

Later on I got semi competitive with a friend on CounterStrike, first 1.5 and then later 1.6. Note he was carrying the team at all times, but it was fun, as we often hung out together for several days, bringing our massive monitors and PCs to each other's houses. When SC2 got released, we played 2v2 as well, cheesing our way across the ladder.

Good olden days, looking forward to y'all's stories!


65 Replies
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It would have to have been Age of Empires or Rainbow Six on GameSpy (for those who are old enough to remember)

My first multiplayer was the online game called Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory.  Had to use Gamespy in order to play it online.

Community Manager

Hi Guys, 

So many! Okay, technically, I have to say Command & Conquer (RTS), the first installment. I played it while I was in college almost every night, and every weekend against my roommate (we'd set up a small LAN in our apartment - connected 4 PCs). I even missed a few study sessions and one exam because I was soo hooked. 

But my personal definition of multiplayer includes MMOs, so, with this in mind, I played the following:

In chronological order


1 - Age of Conan

2 - War of Warplanes

3 - Guild Wars (1 and 2)

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CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT

Technically the first multiplayer game I ever played was Age of Mythology, but I didn't play it as multiplayer - just single player lol. 

First multiplayer game that I played with others was Battlefield 1942 via LAN. I had a group of friends who were heavily involved with their university's computer and robotics clubs/orgs, so they had special access to a computer lab where we could get together at any time of day or night to game. Great memories. ðŸ˜„

Ryzen 7 5800X • Radeon RX 6900 XT • Gigabyte X570S AERO G •

I think we had either a battlefield, or a Medal of Honor on our college PCs that we'd sometimes play!

Halo Combat Evolved PC

CFL 3 shots 1 kill... Pistol


Michael Alan Horton
Adept I

Crysis 2 was my go-to MP game for many years. Such a fun balance of CODlike and arena shooter. Played in a couple tourneys (did horribly), and made a few friends that I keep up with almost 10 years later. I've never found anything else that scratched the itch the same way.

Adept I

The original Command and Conquer all the others to follow and WarCraft I, II, III. But if we went back far enough, I remember my entire family gathering around the Apple II playing Zork together. 

Adept I

DOOM, on the work lan after hours. 

Adept I

Ok hear me out COD advanced warfare. 

I am a normal solo player narrative and openworld game fan and it took a while  to come around to anything online honestly. Tried COD AW a number of years ago and enjoyed the team aspect while hating some of the toxic people. I really used that as a launching point for other online  game and am currently enjoying FF XIV.

Adept II

Back in the mid-90's, there was a fun game called Descent that could be played in multiplayer (I think through a Microsoft gaming system if I remember correctly).  Got addicted to playing that game in multiplayer for a while.

Wow that takes me back, I believe I was playing Mechwarrior 2 or 3 and on dial up. So much fun blasting giant robots. I also played Decent 1, 2 and 3  and Freespace 1 and 2, great games. 

I still play WOW every day - and I'm 71 years young.

Adept I

If we're talking about online, I remember playing Total Annihilation that way.  As far as accessing gaming online, there was one local BBS site in the early 90's I could dial up without costing long distance charges.  They had many Doom wads and shareware/freeware games (as well as my first preteen exposure to other things) available to download which I spent quite a bit of time trying out.  Then I found they had the 'books' you could get that included CD's with hundreds of Doom wads and shareware collections.

Adept I

Unreal Turnament... Serius Sam, CoD, Tales of Pirates

I started of playing the original war craft game over direct modem. I played games like doom, and warcraft 2 and diablo 1 over lan. 


Oh man - not sure how this is going to do for my image, but I gotta tell the truth! The first multiplayer game I ever played was Runescape. I used to play that game so much, got in trouble for playing it during HighSchool and getting up in the middle of the night to play it sometimes too ðŸ¤£


@Ashley_AMD I absolutely loved Age of Mythology and next to Red Alert I would easily call it one of my favourite RTS games. It is a shame that: 1) So many people are fixated by Age of Empires, & 2) They never continued the series. That a lot of people have never heard of AoM.

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Starcraft the first one before the expansions.

Can't recall if it was on a windows 95 or 98 PC.

Do remember the old 15" CRT curved glass brick of a monitor though.

Don't ever drop one on your foot it will your foot will never work right again but the monitor will.


Same here! StarCraft was my favorite game for a long time and it was my intro to multiplayer gaming. Later on I started playing an MMO game from Korea called Knight Online (now USKO and on Steam), then got into Need for Speed World (RIP).

Playing with friends and strangers and competing with them brought a whole new element to gaming, compared to solo campaigns. I got hooked! It's fun to be part of guilds/clans, making new friends, and meeting people from all over the world.

/sig Fun guy.
Journeyman III

I would have to say my first real experience playing multiplayer was Command & Conquer when it came out. Some many fun nights having LAN parties and then figuring out how to use the modem to connect to others. So glad I purchased the Command & Conquer remastered collection on STEAM the other day. As a matter of fact, time to get some play time in lol.

This is really really going back but my first multiplayer game was X-Wing vs Tie Fighter w/ Balance of Power expansion. My brother and I would play it together mostly, but it was so fun being able to play something multiplayer across multiple computers since the technology was still so new at the time.

Journeyman III

I think the first multiplayer game I played was Runescape, the original. Maybe the original Halo if you could LAN parties.

LAN Doom at work. What a blast that was!

Adept I

My first multiplayer game ever was a Star Trek battle simulator for up to 4 people on the university's PDP 11.  Simple ASCII graphics and all commands were typed.  Though graphically basic, it was complex, engaging and fun.  We killed many hours in the labs playing that, back in 1981-'82.  

1st would be quake, as mmorpg that would be Everquest, then SWG

Not applicable



doom on ipx.jpg

On IPX...

4 Meg ram people! Haha, good olden days. Reminds me of wolfenstein 3D!

Doom on a LAN

Adept I

Same for me CS1.5 was my first mp game, pinging around 200 constantly. But still loved every minute of it. 

Journeyman III

Mario Party on the N64 was probably my first multiplayer game, although warcraft 3 was my first online multiplayer game

Adept I

Command and Conquer



Monster Truck Madness 2

ThreeDee PC specs
Adept I

Fly for Fun (FLYFF) was my first, back in 2011 when still was kind of good, might not be the best game ever but got me in love with mmorpgs!

Adept II

Local multiplayer would be Pong on Atari 2600, and online would be Command and Conquer Red Alert via dialup. 

Wait wait, by that definition, it'd be Atari too in my grandmother's attic! 

Adept II

I believe it was Diablo.

Adept I

Ultima Online was my first, though DAOC was the first time I was truly invested in the community aspect of it being multiplayer. 

HPC guy turned gamer
Ryzen7 / RX6900
Adept II

My first MP game was also Counter-Strike but an early version, like 1.2 or 1.3.

At that time in Russia we used to play it in "computer clubs".

Journeyman III

Local MP : Virtua Fighter II for Sega Saturn

Online MP: SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs for PlayStation 2