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Drivers & Software

Adept I

When will Matt finally give an honest answer to the question about Phoenix drivers?

When will Matt finally give an honest answer to the question about Phoenix drivers, instead of referring to a topic where there is (also) no response?

Hallo Matt, it is not nice to refer to another topic if no answer is given there either. The only answer you give there is: "The drivers need to be downloaded from the manufacturer's website." It is disgraceful that you are trying to get away with it so cheaply. You close every other topic that asks for drivers for Phoenix and refer to a topic where you basically say nothing else but 'Figure it out yourself, I'll come back whenever I like' And you guys think that's normal? Referring.. No response.. Response:stevenvhb_0-1689344615028.png


I mean.. Really?!? For a processor series that has been released for almost 2 months now?






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