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Drivers & Software

Adept I

When updating to 18.5, the resolution options under VSR are limited, is this by design?

I was able to use 1080p on my laptop, but now I cant. I updated from the previous version (18.4.1, I believe)

I aware that I am not providing much information, but I am not at my laptop right now. Has this happened before? Why would resolutions be limited? Is there a workaround?

I can certainly roll back to an earlier version, but what is the best way to do that? A clean uninstall? I tried an uninstall from Windows settings last night and it hung at the same spot for a long time. Thoughts?

1 Solution

I know where it is located. There were no issues.

I did a clean uninstall and installed version 17.2.1 and voila, it appeared.

This is 100% an oversight on AMDs part.

PS it would behoove you to analyze the questions being asked. I have seen on other forum posts where erroneous things are being suggested. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when the issue wasnt an issue before. Clearly, by the power of deduction, it was the software. Roll back to an older verison and voila, it works. No need to chase ghosts, do deep uninstalls, or indicate the model of the laptop and what factory it was made in. Probably solved.

Thanks for the effort, nonetheless.

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