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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

RX 7900 XTX and Unreal Engine 5+

As a new UE5 developer (less than 2 years) I decided to upgrade my old card RX 5700 XT with the newest one RX 7900 XTX Elite.

Having previously used an AMD card with great success and not knowing anything about the problems of new chipsets, I decided to try this card and to my surprise UE5 hangs every time I click PLAY in any project. I received the card yesterday and I tried for over 8 hours to find a solution, trying many options that I found on forums, chats and YouTube.

- Factory reset few times

- TDRdeleays 

- Older drivers

- standard settings (all accelerations/boosts/improvements OFF)

- undervoltage

- run UE5 on DirectX11 / SM5 / SM6

- BIOS settings UP/DOWN/RESET - Newest Firmware


Does anyone know a good way to make it work, or is it just the best solution to return this card?

And let me remind you that I bought it only to speed up and improve my work because RX 5700 XT couldn't handle the very large maps I made and a huge number of actors.

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