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Journeyman III

Problems running uProf Pcm roofline mode

I've been trying to run AMDuProfPcm roofline and I don't get any results. Output in the terminal where I run AMDuProfPcm  stops very quickly, and there is no CPU activity for the process shown by top.

System details:

RHEL 8.8, AMD EPYC 7343, GCC 5.3, AMDuProfPcm version 4.0.341, running as root

pstack for the AMDuProfPcm  process just has

#0 0x00001555543f0180 in nanosleep () from /lib64/
#1 0x0000000000414c84 in OsSleep(int) ()
#2 0x0000000000462cd9 in CollectMultiplexedData(std::vector<std::vector<PmcCollector*, std::allocator<PmcCollector*> >, std::allocator<std::vector<PmcCollector*, std::allocator<PmcCollector*> > > >&, PmcTarget&, PmcData&, PmcData&, unsigned int) ()
#3 0x00000000004108ec in main ()

I can run trivial exes.

It looks like either the target exe is failing to start, or exiting soon after start and AMDuProfPcm  isn't seeing that it fails.

Is there any way to get verbose logging or something similar in order to debug this?

I did notice that there seems to be a AMDUPROF_PCM_DEBUG_LOG environment variable. When I set that to 1 I get 16 lines

apic: 0 pkg: 0 numa: 0 ccd: 0 ccx: 0 core: 0 os-threadId: 0
apic: f pkg: 0 numa: 3 ccd: 3 ccx: 3 core: 15 os-threadId: 15

and that is all

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