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Drivers & Software

I complained here previously about AMD spamming the event logs and guess what

I complained about AMD spamming event logs with errors here:

AMDs response seems to be - here have some more spam.. and lets label it nVidia just to confuse and make people think it's nVidias fault.

Information 10/07/2023 11:26:23 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:26:23 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:26:23 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:26:23 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:26:18 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:26:18 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:26:18 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:26:18 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:13:22 pm RestartManager 10001 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:13:20 pm RestartManager 10000 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:06:47 pm Security-SPP 16384 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:06:17 pm Security-SPP 16394 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:02:51 pm SecurityCenter 15 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:02:51 pm SecurityCenter 15 None

Warning 10/07/2023 11:02:09 pm NVIDIA OpenGL Driver 2 None
Warning 10/07/2023 11:02:09 pm NVIDIA OpenGL Driver 2 None
Warning 10/07/2023 11:02:09 pm NVIDIA OpenGL Driver 2 None
Warning 10/07/2023 11:02:09 pm NVIDIA OpenGL Driver 2 None

Information 10/07/2023 11:01:50 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:50 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:50 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:50 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:45 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:45 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:45 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:45 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:18 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:18 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:18 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None
Information 10/07/2023 11:01:18 pm AMD_ANR_BG_PROC 2 None

Honestly AMD is this level of spam in the syslogs nessesary? can you not just have one message that says everything and why have you made it worse?

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