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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Can we get the ability to edit game profiles?

Every now and again a game profile is simply broken and the only choices are to accept it, to wait for you guys to fix it (which may never happen if it's not a popular game), or to manually edit files and then hope the Radeon Software accepts it and doesn't just redetect/rebreak the profile.


I'll give you an example...


I play Elite Dangerous, the Steam version, Radeon Software detects the game but it is only the launcher executable at  ..\Elite Dangerous\EDLaunch.exe

This means both my game time and my framerate are recorded incorrectly (since the launcher is sometimes still open when I'm not playing, and the FPS of the launcher seems to be "10"), on top of this any changes I make in the Radeon Software do not affect the game.

The Radeon Software should be detecting the game at  ..\Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-odyssey-64\EliteDangerous64.exe

So now I have to edit the Radeon Software game database file (gmdb.blb) which can potentially break the software if I screw something up.

Not to mention the fact that I have to force quit the software, then edit and save the file before the software auto-loads back up, or the changes don't get saved.

Then I cross my fingers and hope the software doesn't just undue my correction.


Really?   It's 2024 and your software still doesn't have a simpler way to change the location of an executable or a way to change the icon associated with a game?

We have to carry out surgery on Radeon Software files because adding a dropdown menu to let us edit profiles has been overlooked for 20 years?


I've never once owned an Nvidia card in 29 years of owning a PC but they become more attractive every year.




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