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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Another Day, Another Crackling Audio Issue

People have definitely brought this up before, but their audio problems are probably just short term. Mine's a little different.

I got an AMD driver since the Unreal Engine requires me to get one before I could use it. Ever since I got the driver, though, my audio has been crackling routinely every 30 or so minutes. I can disable the crackling audio by doing standard stuff that guides do, but the fix only lasts for so long.

The thing is, the crackling audio always comes back, no matter what I do. And I'd be lying if I said it's not tiring to have my Sound Settings tab consistently open, impending for the next crackle-fest. I even have the AMD driver disabled, and the audio still crackles.

So if anybody around here knows how to fix this long-term, and not just temporarily, let me know. Also please make the details concise and easy to understand, cause I have no idea what the heck a "PCI Bus Weight" even is or how to change it.

In other words, please specify if i need to do things like uninstall the AMD driver, update the driver in some way, or just need a new computer in general. Thanks!



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