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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

AMD rtx 580 crashing constantly

Thanks in advance for reading
My graphics card has been frequently crashing, spiking usage to 100% and closing any applications using it. This is followed by "AMD Driver Timeout" message. It has also been a nightmare to turn my PC on, taking 2-10 attempts normally- I believe this is also due to the card. Sometimes the display will bug out and have checkered fuzzy pixels everywhere- or sometimes in just one spot. Often this is followed by the whole PC crashing. I have had this pc for 3 years and this error has not been a problem before, i have done nothing new i can think of that could have caused this.
I have tried: 
Disabling hardware acceleration 
Re-installing all drivers
Disabling MPO 
Unplugging and replugging physical graphics card. 
Scanning for viruses. 

Does anyone know any other potential fixes- and am I eligible for a refund/new driver in the case i cannot fix this? 
Thank you, -Alex. 

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