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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

AMD kept ignoring me, so I found the fix to RDNA 3 Driver Timeouts myself!!!

For anybody discovering this in 2024, who is having crashes/blue screen of death/system restarts, particularly when gaming or watching videos on RDNA 3 based chipset, after a LOT of messing about, changing RAM, editing Registry, editing Bios, this is what FIXED IT for me: Start Menu > Device Installation Settings > "No" (Select No, instead of Yes) > Save Changes. Now restart, use your computer for an hour, open Event Viewer, look to see if any Errors or Warnings in the past 1 should be error free, and of course, no restarts/crashes. It's not ideal, it doesn't feel like a true fix, however it means you can get on with your day, crash free!

AMD kept ignoring my requests of getting this error fixed, so I hope that you guys can give this problem some attention, especially because I've fixed the issue myself, after 8 months of struggling with my RX 7600. In my case, it was the motherboard's software causing the issue, GCC.

If you can, please share this everywhere so AMD can finally acknowledge the issue. This does not happen on Nvidia hardware! I know because I also have a 4070 Super. If your motherboard came with any software, you will have to do this before you can enjoy your newly bought GPU. F AMD for ignoring me for 8 months!

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