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Drivers & Software

Adept II

Adrenalin 24.6.1 and 24.7.1 cause system freeze and restart

I could not update to the latest video driver versions because any game i would try to play my pc freeze and restart. I'm still on 24.5.1 which works perfectly. I looked in the event viewer and every restart it generates: "The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000d1". (Event ID 1001) Freeze and restart every time I try to start a game. It doesn't matter which one. If i don't try to open a game, everything works, no freeze or restart happens. I have Sapphire RX 7800XT Nitro+ and Ryzen 3600, Windows 10. Windows is up to date. Until version 24.6.1 i never encountered such big problems and i am an old AMD user, but now i simply cannot start any game because the system restarts. The only solution was to reinstall 24.5.1. Does anyone have any advice or ideas?

122 Replies

This was a false positive, it didn't actually fix it.

Ryzen 7800x3d
Powercolor Hellhound 7900xtx
Asus ROG B650E-F
MasterLiquid ML360L ARGB V2
Corsair DDR5-6000 32GB
Samsung 990 Pro 2TB
Journeyman III



I am having a similar issue... On Friday, July 19th, I started experiencing these same problems when I was trying to play Rainbow Six Siege. At first, I thought it was internet related; I was wrong. Next, I verified the integrity of the game files and that was okay. Then, I resorted to fully resetting my windows as a clean PC. I had to reinstall all my games. That did not fix my problem. I am running version 24.7.1. I also tested Rocket League and Phasmophobia and they crash as well. I figured out that the games will run poorly until I try to tab out. Once I tab out, the game completely freezes and will crash on any game I try to play. Also, it would crash in the middle of a match sometimes but not always. I tried restoring to version 24.5.1 but that did not work for me. What are your suggestions? When will AMD push out new driver updates? Could it be something other than my drivers?


PC Specs: 

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT Radeon RX 6950 XT 16 GB Video Card

RAM: Corsair Vengeance 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL36 Memory

STORAGE: Crucial P3 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME SSD

MOBO: Asus PRIME A620-PLUS WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard

PSU: NZXT C850 (2022) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX 

Adept I

Same here. Everything works just fine with 24.5.1, but once I updated to 24.6.1., some games started to give me black screen freezes immediately, so I rolled back to 24.5.1.


Now I updated to 24.7.1. and every single game gives me BSOD Driver IRQL not less or equal. So I'm gonna just revert back to 24.5.1 and wait for a different version.


By the way, I have the very same GPU, Sapphire RX 7800XT Nitro+, and Ryzen 5600.

Probably the next or the following drivers. I don't think they will solve this problem soon. They didn't bother to give an answer here. To say something, anything. I'm sure a moderator has read this but is not interested in providing an answer. Probably they don't even know what answer to give. These major issues make people choose the competition the next time they upgrade. Sad

The competition has some major issues as well quit being a fanboy troll and look at this link before you jump on the blame everyone band wagon troll thing your doing!

Adam J Martin

Man, go away. You are like a bad dream! You are like a disease! You have only one neuron left and that one works only for a quarter! You have no idea about anything. Everything you post here for two days is nonsense. You tell everyone to reinstall their windows. Either you are stupid or you are stupid, there is no other option. Or you are a troll and then i can understand the meaning of your existence. Go away bad dream!

  The Nvidia fanboy troll returns to use his 13 year-old insults lol, Your going to have to grow up sometime and quit blaming your problems on drivers and just use the fix

Adam J Martin

Man, please, just do not react under my post, it will be very much appreciated. I read all the nonsense you have answered so far and you sound like a broken record. "I did a refresh aka a reboot"?? What the hell are you even on about? It's not even the same thing. 


I had to live through the release of 5700XT few years back. You know what didn't help at all with all the crashes? Reinstalling the Windows and a dozen other "fixes". But guess what did? Waiting half a year for AMD to fix their drivers! Simple as that.


@l0rd0fs1n Let's just hope they fix it soon

  Well how long will it take this time till you figure out there is a fix, but will your stubbornness keep you from the fix because your one of those people when you cannot figure it out yourself everyone's wrong and its AMDs fault and their drivers and if you do not want comments quit commenting in here because this is a community for solutions not a place to keep trash talking a company and the hard work they do because you sound like one of those Nvidia Fanboys that come in here all the time making up problems that do not exist to troll AMD users.

Adam J Martin

Yeah, just look at us "nVidia fanboys" with our AMD GPUs and CPUs, discussing AMD drivers on AMD forums. Sheesh. I don't really get why you're trying to defend and justify their devs incompetence, but to each their own. I myself will wait till they fix it.


And by the way, there Is exactly 0 (zero, in case you're wondering) people in this thread you actually helped. At least the previous 24.5.1 driver works just fine (the downgrade must have fixed all those corrupted DLLs /sarcasm).

   Totally not true My fibbing friend because I own my own Computer repair shop 15 years and going and a few friends over at Microsoft that tipped me off long ago to this old issue which is actually very old and can occur when installing a AMD driver or if you have a Nvidia system and installing driver or sound driver or a Windows Update can cause Corrupt drivers period and this issue will likely persist in the future just because the simple fact of how diverse the Windows system has to work with the many thousands of PC variations out there, so therefore corruption or just general errors that will cause BSOD on certain systems is absolutely going to happen and I'm not trying to protect AMD,Intel,Nvidia or any company they all have their share of issues like any company would naturally have, However the issue you are having is extremely likely to be a very simple corruption issue that's well known to happen and when you get someone like you that denies this and also refuses to even try the fix  it shows me the lack of experience and also follows the exact trend of Nvidia Fanboys we get in here making up false problems and constantly blaming everything on the AMD drivers over and over again and if you're not a fanboy which I really highly doubt, it would mean your very inexperienced not to know what I'm talking about or your mad because you have to whip your system and you want someone to blame either way you should quit being childish and apply a proper DISM fix making sure you use files Not from your computer or just backup what you can and reinstall.

Adam J Martin

You own what!?  You have been "tipped" by your friends at Microsoft!? Man, you are incredibly stupid. Actually i think you are not stupid. You are simply retarded. I can't resist telling you this. My patience also has a limit. Many people here have told you that they reinstalled windows and in vain, the errors persist. How stupid can you be to say that we are nvidia fanboys when we all have AMD systems!? How long can you keep it up with the aberrations you say every day? You are dumber than the night. I said yesterday that you still have one neuron and that neuron only works for a quarter. I'm telling you now that there is no activity in your brain. Since i posted this post, you have done nothing but blame everything else, not the drivers. You are more of a fanboy than any other fanboy i have ever met. Go and fix your customers' computers. I feel sorry for them. In fact, i don't! Go away bad dream! 


  Look you're not fooling anyone with your 13-year-old Nvidia fanboy Tantrums and you can repeat yourself over and over it will not validate your constant lies in here or your insults for that matter so grow up apply the fix and quit trying to lie in forums to look important!

Adam J Martin

Your idea about the possibility of damage to the window files, did not give me peace and in order to make sure that my window is working properly, I checked it using a simple tool that is in the window, namely - in the search line I typed "cmd.exe" and entered the command Sfc /Scannow
I am clarifying not for you, but for those who do not know about this tool)

I will not publish the report, because it is in Russian, which you hardly know, but it was indicated that damaged files were found and they were fixed. I looked at the logs, but due to the fact that I am not a professional, I did not find there what exactly was damaged/fixed. Nevertheless, in my window, there were damaged files.
The important thing is that, to my regret, I use a pirated Windows, because Microsoft does not accept my money for a license due to sanctions imposed on Russia. But if there is no way to pay, I will use it for free, such is life. Windows are validated and work clearly, but I admit that the files that Windows considered damaged could be responsible for validating the pirated version of Windows, it is difficult to say without seeing which specific files were fixed.

i5-13400/ asrock Z790 PG Lightning D4 /32 GBytes DDR4 3200 Hynix/ ASRock 7700xt Phantom Gaming OC/ 1000w gold

       Sorry to hear about your windows issues but using Sfc /Scannow tool means you're heading in the right direction because fixing those errors should keep your computer from having many of the issues out there and as for your Windows pirate issues I may have a solution Try this link for me and grab a windows pro copy for 22 dollars USD here    and let me know if it blocks you as there is another solution i...

Adam J Martin

Thank you for your help, I have the opportunity to purchase a license, bypassing) I just do not want to overcome those obstacles that Microsoft has set up of its own free will. They do not want my money, I will not try hard to give it to them.

i5-13400/ asrock Z790 PG Lightning D4 /32 GBytes DDR4 3200 Hynix/ ASRock 7700xt Phantom Gaming OC/ 1000w gold
Journeyman III

I have installed 3 versions of drivers for my GPU, with DDU and AMD CleanUP, it keeps sending the same error: "the display driver amduw23g stopped responding and recovered correctly". Even typing this the screen went black and froze for a few seconds (4 times).

I have tried all possible “solutions”, but it doesn't work. This problem has been going on for a while and AMD support fails to fix it, I thought the 24.7.1 update would come with the solution, but I see that even they have not been able to.

My spec:

Motherboard: ASUS Prime X670-P Wifi
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 12-Core Processor 4.70 GHz
AMD Radeon RX 7600
Installed RAM 64.0 GB 4800 mhz
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit operating system, version 23H2



  Just out of curiosity have you tried to run your apps in Compatibility Mode with admin privileges???

Adam J Martin

Stop it!


It is not compatibility and other settings.

AMD has big issues with all the 2024 drivers. The only decent solution is to use some of the 2023 drivers.

I have been testing all of the new drivers from 24.1.1 to 24.7.1 and all cause driver timeouts and black screens in some situations.


Also nvidia never had so many issues unresolved with drivers. I used nvidia since RIVA TNT and I moved to AMD last September.

AMD needs to wake up and fix their drivers before people completely loose faith in them.

 lol no they do not have problems with the drivers AMD has problems teaching people to properly use their computers is all this is period.

Adam J Martin

Good job! That makes perfect sense.

Adept I

Lots of reports on Reddit of system crashes when starting games with 24.6.1 and 24.7.1. Rolling back to 24.5.1 fixes the problem. The common denominators are 24.6.1 and 24.7.1, ergo the issue is with those drivers. I had system crashing on 24.6.1 with my 7900XTX. I've been back on 24.5.1 with no issues. Analyzing the minidumps after the crashes shows the faulting module is amdkmdag.sys which is the kernel mode driver.

Journeyman III

Hi, just crazy to know about your current status...!!!

Journeyman III

I am having the same issues here. My computer just kind of shuts off with these newer drivers and restarts. When looking at performance metrics while playing games I noticed that the newer drivers make my 7800XT Suck up so much more power. I have a 700W PSU which should be good with my combo of 7800xt & Ryzen 5800x3d. I'm not sure if your having the exact same crash as I am but it might be the driver pushing the power over spec which might be causing the crash. For now the only way to test this would be to get a better PSU but I'm curios on what PSU you have to try and eliminate this guess.


Same here 7800XT. 

24.6.1 and 24.7.1 both causing problems,


black screen of death For 24.7.1.

Random FPS caps for 24.6.1 and some crashes.


Only managed to "workaround" by turning off "Freesync", game runs, but GPU is sucking more power while reporting lower temps than before.


There's something wrong with this version of driver for 7800xt

Adept III

I began seeing BSOD's after installing 24.7.1. I ran the AMD cleanup utility and tried rolling back to 24.6.1, then back 24.5.1. Half the time I get blue screens during the install process after completely removing the drivers in SAFE mode. With the AMD Radeon drivers completely uninstalled, zero blue screens, system is rock stable as it has always been, for over a year. Never had any issues like this until installing 24.7.1. GPU is AMD 6700XT, Win 11. Specs in my signature. 


UPDATE: My BSoD's ended up being a faulty Corsair Vengeance RAM module (the BSOD would always display "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" as the stop code), so I started pulling RAM sticks and found the faulty module by process of elimination. First time I've ever experienced this type of problem. It was simply coincidental that the issue occurred AFTER the 24.7.1 driver update. After replacing the faulty RAM, 24.7.1 seems fairly stable on my 6700 XT system.

Ryzen 9 5900X CPU, RX 6700 XT GPU, Windows 11 Pro x64 build 23H2

 Bravo on doing the work and finding the issue yourself, I just wish others in here would do what you did Instead of blaming everything on AMD and the Drivers. 

Adam J Martin

Pretty much everyone who is experiencing crashing with these newer drivers are 7000 series owners. The poster you responded to clearly said his faulty RAM just happened to coincide with the driver update. He also has a 6000 series card. Us with 7000 series cards are able to fix the game crashing issues by rolling back to 24.5.1. It's the only variable that needs to be changed to fix the problem for us. 24.6.1 and 24.7.1 are broken for many users. You're the only one in here running interference for AMD to try and cover for their very obvious driver issues.

  LMFAO!!!  Well, everyone's intitled to their opinions I guess, and you can believe whatever you want but after I've helped out over 30 plus people at my shop for this very issue and fixed those issues my belief will remain to be a Windows Corruption issue and I'm also seeing people with bad Ram issues and very few with PSU issues and besides if this were a (Widespread Issue) with the drivers Digital foundry would be all over it and many other youtubers that live eat sleep drivers and review drivers and there Not Saying Anything but how Wonderful these Drivers are so I'm sorry I'm not joining your AMD hate club just because a few people are having issues that are not Widespread and due to Windows errors and User errors.

Adam J Martin

This isn't an opinion. Many 7000 series owners are having system crashes when launching games with both 24.6.1 and 24.7.1. After reverting back to 24.5.1 the crashing disappears because 24.5.1 isn't broken. Like I said I've analyzed the BSOD minidumps I got. They stem from a DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error. This error is due to a faulty driver, namely one that's using improper addresses. The faulting module is amdkmdag.sys. This is part of the AMD graphics driver. It has nothing to do with Windows, any other drivers or system RAM. When a perfectly stable and functioning system turns into a crash fest after a driver update, you suspect the driver is at fault. When you revert back to the previous driver which was perfectly stable and functioning and the crashing goes away then it's a certainty the newer driver was at fault.

You can deflect and play your mental gymnastics all you like, but it doesn't change the facts here. Also Occam's Razor. What's more likely: 1) There's bug in a driver that's causing crashes for numerous people, or 2) All these people somehow have "corrupt" Windows files, "bad" system RAM, *insert a myriad of other implausible system issues here*, or they're just "doing it wrong". I'll take Number 1 for $1000 Alex.

 lol, yet this so called driver issue is not Widespread and if it were the youtubers that's job it is to cover these drivers that say it's one of the best Drivers to date and stable and these guys spend hours and hours on multiple systems testing these drivers so if there were a problem it would be widespread news right now But it's Not therefore we know that this boils down to user error or windows conflicts, corruption, hardware failure, so now we know that it's not a widespread issue with the drivers based simply on the Fact that it's not WIDESPREAD meaning the above assumption based on over 30 repairs that have completely fixed the issue! so quit with trying to explain yourself because I know for a fact I'm right and if you don't like it move along, you're not going to change my mind or my 20 years of experience programming and building computers and servers on the idea that the drivers are bad when none of the experts have said not one thing to back your claims up!!!   And while your reading this post forbs and other news agencies are starting to report admitting Microsoft is having issues with updates that can cause all kinds of BSOD!!!

Adam J Martin

The consistent "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" stop code on the BSOD was the ultimate tip-off...but I sure wasted a couple hours reinstalling drivers, running DDU, etc. because I checked these forums and sure enough other users were reporting blue screens and crashes on these newer driver releases, so I was convinced it had to be drivers due to the abrupt nature of the problem showing up within a day of installing 24.7.1. Lo and behold faulty RAM. Corsair agreed to RMA the RAM but I didn't feel like waiting around a month to get my RAM back so I went ahead and replaced it anyway. After I narrowed down the faulty RAM stick, it was a day/night difference, BSOD's vanished immediately. I did notice however that most of the complaints were coming from those with 7000 series GPU's (with different stop codes in their blue screens). I would've faulted the RAM much quicker had it not been for the forum posts...figures the RAM problem would rear its ugly head right after a driver update. Makes troubleshooting that much more fun. 

Ryzen 9 5900X CPU, RX 6700 XT GPU, Windows 11 Pro x64 build 23H2

  I'm glad you were able to see through the B.S. and fix your computer, It really blows my mind that that there are people out there that do that Fanboy bs and just blame everything on AMD and cause you to go down a rabbit hole because they want to play the blame game sigh, well you did fix your PC so I guess that's the most important thing about why we're all here in the AMD community forums to help each other and find solutions to our problems and for that I am grateful. 

Adam J Martin

Stop calling us Nvidia fanboy cuz you make yourself look like 5th grade kid. Im with AMD more than 6 years now and would never change my ryzen for Intel. I was investing in AMD since it was 55$ (may 2020) for the stock… Was following every quarterly raport since invested and listen to every earnings call provided by Lisa and now stock its 139$ which made me lots of money. Im in AMD team but when your team make mistakes like faulty drivers you have to admit it and fix it asap specially if most of the people spend 1000$ on GPU and few hundred on CPU and expecting that it will work well….


 Could not help but to respond to this but you are in a bunch of other forums bashing AMD drivers every chance you get and stalking addiepie79 everywhere in here so yea id call you a Nvidia fanboy easy and why are you not banned for stalking???

Adept I

Can confirm that I too am getting BSODs upon installing 24.7.1. The stop code I'm receiving is UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP. Reverting back to 24.5.1 suppresses these blue screens.

Journeyman III

Both versions 24.7.1 and 6.1 caused me problems with BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), but it seems to happen more frequently with version 7.1. I reverted to version 24.5.1, and everything works fine now.

CPU: Ryzen 9 5900X
GPU: 6900XT

While gaming on version 7.1, I noticed that the temperature rose by 2-5 degrees. This increase caused the Corsair water cooler software to restart the PC at the default 70 degrees. I had to set it to 75 degrees and create a custom GPU fan curve in AMD Adrenalin for gaming.

I have tried reinstalling Windows, disassembling the computer, applying new cooling paste, and reassembling it. I also tried different RAM, switching from 3600 MHz to 3200 MHz. Despite these efforts, the problems persisted on version 24.7.1.

A friend with a system using a 7600 16GB and an Intel i5 11600K also experienced issues. He couldn't open games with versions 24.6.1 or 7.1 without encountering BSOD. However, everything worked fine on version 24.5.1.


I'm not looking for help; this is just what I've experienced and the steps I've taken to try to fix it.

Oh i ran some cmd commands and everything was fine.

SFC /scannow

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

will be on 24.5.1 until 24.8.?


Journeyman III

Hi, in my case I have freezes at any games launch since updating 24.6.1 to 24.7.1.

I found that "Radeon Enhanced Sync" is the source of crashes, desactivating this option solve the issue. It was ok with previous version ...

Adept I

yes same problem went back to 24.5.1(it's gone!) 5950x and 7900xtx long time ati/amd cpu user. This why Nvidia users make fun of amd drivers


Adept I

RX 7800 XT.

Same for me 24.5.1 was fine and I generally never have any system related stability issues. Then I thought it is time for an update and 24.7.1 was installed. 1 hour later i had the first bluescreen. 3h later the second one. With 24.5.1 all fine for 1 week. Now I tried 24.7.1 again after i updated the chipset drivers: bluescreen after 10 Minutes lol.


Why AMD dont even deactivate the download?!

Simply a bad joke