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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Actualización de controladores tarjeta gráfica

Simplemente, no puedo actualizar los controladores de mi tarjeta gráfica AMD Radeon 6700M, porque me da un mensaje el sistema que dice:


Load Library failed with error 1114: Error en una  rutina de inicialización de vínculos dinámicos (DLL)"

¿Qué puedo hacer.? ¿Es error o problema del propio software de la tarjeta, o es de Windows?

Espero noticias. Por favor en español

1 Solution
4 Replies

Sorry but these are English speaking peer to peer forums of users like you, not AMD employees. Most here don't speak you language. In the interest of expediting an answer to your issue, please use one of the many language translators that you may copy and paste your question too and have that converted to English. We can the do our best to help, once we know what you are saying. Thank you for understanding, we only wish to help you.

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  2. We always recommend searching for a solution to your problem first as somebody else may have already had a similar issue resolved.
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  4. Posting your question in the appropriate sub forum will get faster and helpful responses as members with expertise in a certain subject tend to be most active on those forums.
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  6. When posting a new question, please provide as much detail as possible describing your issue making sure to include the relevant hardware and software configuration. 
    For example:
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    • Hardware: [Describe the make and model of your: Graphics Card, CPU, Motherboard, RAM, PSU, Display(s), etc.]
    • Software: [Describe version or release date of your: Operating System, Game/Application, Drivers, etc.]
  7. Please note that all posts are subject to moderation.  If your post does not immediately appear, please do not create duplicate posts.

If you find you need help directly from AMD in your language you may  Submit Email via E-ticket Form​​ by visiting the contact page under step 2 on the AMD website.


Thank you. You have been very kind. I will follow your instructions and

advice below.


El 10/05/2018 a las 0:10, pokester escribió:


Community <>


Re: Actualización de controladores tarjeta gráfica

in /Drivers & Software/


I simply can not update the drivers of my AMD Radeon 6700M graphics card, because it gives me a message that says:


Load Library failed with error 1114: Error in a dynamic link initialization routine (DLL) "

What I can do.? Is it an error or problem with the card software itself, or is it Windows 10?

I wait for news.