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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

5600xt windows crashes on boot

Hello. Sorry for my english, I`m from Argentina... I`ve recently purchased a custom computer with a 5600xt as the gpu. It used to work fine, until recently when i updated drivers from 20.2.2 to 20.4.1. After update, each time i`ve tried to start the computer, i got windows stuck in the white dot spinning process. Only hard reset works out there. I went to different fórums to find the problem, and i find that many 5600xt had the same problem, so I tried uninstalling amd drivers in safe mode and i could at least use the computer. Since then, i`ve tried many things to see if i could use the gpu. Im gonna list them below:
-Uninstalling previous drivers with amd cleaunp, and/or DDU in safemode (every time I was trying something new, i did this).
-Re-installing Windows, with and without conserving my previous data.
-Tried formating the ssd and reinstalling Windows from zero (with or without internet,both).
-I`ve also tried with fully updated Windows and Windows without update (freshly installed)
-I used 3 different BIOS versions (F41, F41h and F50, the newest one), and 2 different chipsets versions.
-I`ve tried EVERY adrenaline versión available for 5600xt, from 20.1.3 to 20.4.1. In normal Windows mode or in safe mode.
-I`ve checked every other component of the computer, and they work fine.
-I`ve tried to find disc errors with chkdsk /f /r (disk is working fine).
-Disabled fast startup from Windows.
NONE of this options worked. Neither in combination of several of them at the same time.
I might be forgetting some other things i`ve tried, but I think this is it.
Interestingly, some times I got the typical black screen when installing drivers with adrenaline, but it stays there, and I have to hard reset, getting the Windows stuck on startup with spinning dots. Some other times (just a few, I think twice) installation could finish and I could enter Radeon setup without restarting the computer. There, I checked if the gpu was working "properly" using OCCT. Every test I made got 0 errors. But when I restarted it, I got the usual problem.
I`ve already sent this to AMD, I hope they include a fix for this problems in the next update...

Motherboard: B450M Ds3h
Ryzen 5 1600 six cores
Gpu: 5600xt OC 6gb
Power supply: B700H gigabyte 700w
2x8gb ddr4 3000 ram
Windows 10 x64
26 Replies
Adept II

same issue here...

this is my 16th day without a driver, i wlll sell the RX5600 if this cannot be solved in 30 days

Adept II

Amigo que onda yo igual trate de todo, apenas me salio el problema ayer en la noche e hice lo mismo, formatee ssd, hd pensando en que era Windows igual hice lo mismo que tu de yt e hice los mismos pasos, actualmente sigo sin poder instalar el software y en la gpu no dejan de girar los ventiladores, y me la sigue sin detectar el sistema

Adept II

Esperemos esto sea momentáneo y arreglen los errores para poder seguir jugando a gusto ya que las gamas bajas muy pocas tienen este problema, quiero volver a prender stream amigo.


try 19.12.1 which seems to be more stable for RX 5700 class cards


We need new software driver


Don't.... Support of RX5600 did not start until 20.1.3


The first available driver for 5600xt is 20.1.3, i´ve tryied every other driver until 20.4.1 and none works. Thanks for the suggestion


20.4.2 is out now, please try it out?

But it is not working for me though....


Im gonna try it now. First I´ll fresh install windows in my formated disc. If thats not working, i´ll change the 5600xt for another one...its been too long already. Hope it works, i´ll reply what happened later


limonada wrote:

The first available driver for 5600xt is 20.1.3, i´ve tryied every other driver until 20.4.1 and none works. Thanks for the suggestion

20.4.2 surfaced yesterday, if it is not working I suggest backup and install windows fresh again

Adept I

Well, i've just tryied the new 20.4.2, same problem. Still not working, even with formated disk and freshly installed Windows. Seems AMD is not working in this issue...i don't want to, but i'm gonna have to switch to another gpu.

eventually AMD will get to it, who knows when but eventually

use a fresh install of windows to check for reproducible  faults


I have done waiting...

i got myself a GTX1650 as a temporary solution.... 

Hope AMD will get on this issue soon

Adept II

I have just posted very similar thread but for RX5700XT:

Black screen on the first Windows boot (Nitro+ RX 5700 XT)  

limonada‌ After you reset the PC, the second boot is usually OK? Did you also notice it happens only if PC was turned off for a while (so GPU is cold)? Just assumption that it might be some driver voltage settings causing the error, but I'm using "Automatic" tuning mode, I don't wish any overclocking or downclocking. I want to work & play on default settings, as it should be


limonada‌ Can you please also let me know your monitor model? Is it connected via HDMI or DP? 


Monitor: 2D HD LG TV. Connected via HDMI

The "second boot ok" worked at the start of the issue. There were a couple of days which i could use the 5600xt after a second boot, but some days later this wasnt working anymore. I´ve seen other post with the same issue at the beginning of the problem, so it seems like "Normal". 

Adept II

KB4550945 new windows update is out, any chance to test it out?


okano14 wrote:

KB4550945 new windows update is out, any chance to test it out?

I installed that last week, have not yet fully checked it out completely


Doesnt work for me

Adept I

my pc has the same card with the same issue. With the increasing number of reports of a similar problem, I am starting to believe this is a driver issue. First, it works perfectly fine with the second boot with no issue in any tasks. Second, the issue persists only with cold booting the system. Third, the issue has been around different driver versions. The alternate hypothesis is that it could be the PSU, what PSU are you using? I'm using a 650w bronze rating PSU, that could be the cause of the problem. 


B700H gigabyte 700w, its new like the rest of the computer, sadly..the OCCT test I perfomed had 0 errors (once I could finally properlly install the 5600xt drivers, but got stuck on reset on windows spinning dots later anyways on the next restart). So i dont know...

Adept II

limonadammsk29‌ Can you please try installing Radeon™ Pro Software for Enterprise 20.Q1.2 instead of Adrenalin 20.4.2 (you may want to use DDU for 20.4.2 removal)? I have installed it only yesterday in the afternoon, but PC has turned on successfully in the evening and today in the morning. I didn't have to reset it! I don't know how good are these drivers for gaming but seems to be good for work

i tried that last week, but it got stuck in the "hardware detection" phrase, the white dot kept spinning, i better try it again


That drivers is not compatible with 5600xt, maybe you have a 5700xt?


My bad, you are right. It's available for 5700xt


Que paso al final con la 5600xt amigo? Se pudo solucionar? Gracias

Journeyman III

I have the same issue after buying a used 5600xt in 2024 tried 5 different drivers from the internet, my bios is the latest for my MSI mech oc, initially the card worked fine on installation, benchmarks were fine, but on the first cold boot it got stuck in loading, ans had the issue persist for the last 4 days, I cant even download drivers anymore my pc keeps crashing ijto a black screen while installing the drivers