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Journeyman III

Dual BIOS switch not working

Greetings, Here I will explain my problem that I currently have with my graphics card and its dual BIOS switch. You will see what happened is that just yesterday I installed an Rx 6800 graphics card from the Out of curiosity I decided to switch to its other silent BIOS mode (obviously having previously turned off the device), I just wanted to check how much the temperatures drop and after 10 minutes it only I turned off the PC, put the switch back into the BIOS performance mode and went to sleep.
Just today I woke up and when I wanted to play I realized that the configuration and low potency that the BIOS silent mode gave you had been saved no matter how much I changed the switch
, I spent about 4 or 5 hours trying to figure out and fix my problem but couldn't make a single breakthrough.
I tried turning off and depriving the PC of electricity to move the switch
, removing and putting back the graphics, uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers and going into the BIOS itself to see if I could activate it manually or also using the amd adrenaline drivers  but nothing. I don't know what else to do and I'm afraid of having broken something on the first day of use.

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