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Blender Discussions

Adept II

Subsurface, Refraction and Denoiser

Testing RPR on Mac OS.

First of all I want to say that I'm very happy that you guys do this product, it's very important and very promising. 

– Refraction gets a lot of black areas, ray depth for refraction is set to 50.
– With SSS I cannot get thin areas (monkey ear) scatter light, I tried radius - nothing, weight of SSS just applies SSS color everywhere without considering thickness.
– Denoiser (default one, with default settings) leaves these waves over the surface. 

Blender 2.8 stable official release, RPR stable official. Mac OS 10.14.5. Tried on Mac Book and iMac Pro. 

Any suggestions?


2 Replies

Hi Denys.

Refraction:  You have ONLY refraction turned on, no reflection.  At a certain ray depth, things bounce internally.  I actually talked about this a bit here:

Denoiser - try the machine learning one.  

SSS - Bring the light much closer and try an area light.  I'd have to check point lights might not contribute to SSS.

Adept II

All worked well! thanks a lot.
I would only double check refraction + reflection, yes it looks better, but still some black areas appear. 

85% of black areas were covered by reflection yes, but rest of 15% I still can see.