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Blender Discussions

Adept I

No Quality and Blender Denoiser options in current version

I‘m on Blender 2.83 and the most current RPR version on macOS. I‘m missing the option to set the quality settings (low, medium, high and so on) and also the blender denoiser is not activateable anymore as it was in the previous version (only the rpr denoiser which results in very(!) soft renderings.

Did anybody else notice this? Is there a fix? Reinstalling RPR does not do the trick for me.

Best regards

5 Replies

Hi Jonas

The low/medium/high full spectrum modes are not supported on macOS yet, as noted on our website.  Sorry, we don't have an eta for those yet.  

Which denoiser are you using on macOS?  The ML denoiser should give decent results.  You can still use the blender denoiser in their compositor.


Overall I found that Blender Internal Denoiser do better job than any kind of RPR denoisers. The differences on the edges and smooth surfaces are decent.

Is there any roadmap targets to make RPR denoiser better?


I'm using the blender denoiser.

I was just wondering that in the previous version of RPR inside the RPR panel there was an option to add the blender denoiser (which resulted in multiple connections between the "Render Layers" node and "Denoiser" node). Of course I can still add the denoiser node manually but I found it more convient to do in the render settings panel of RPR.

Also i was wondering if there is a difference adding the denoiser node manually or as it was possible via RPR in the past version (note the 3 connections to the denoiser node compared to only one when doing it manually).Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-24 um 11.32.32.png Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-24 um 11.33.21.png


Jonas Woehl wrote:


Also i was wondering if there is a difference adding the denoiser node manually or as it was possible via RPR in the past version (note the 3 connections to the denoiser node compared to only one when doing it manually).

No difference.  It was just a script to do it.  in fact if you use the python console I think you can do bpy.ops.rpr.add_denoiser_node()


Thank you. If it makes no difference, that‘s completely fine for me.