Hi all! I'm using ProRender 2.3.4 on Blender 2.82.
My setup is a Macbook Pro with AMD Radeon Pro 560X and AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 (connected via a Razer eGPU enclosing box).
When these two GPUs are enabled via the Render Settings at the same time (See following configuration) Blender crashes almost on every operation (Moving a light, opening a new panel, etc). The crash happens on both following configurations.
See attached video (prorender-bug) on this message for a sample.
The only workaround to prevent this crash on Mac OS is to disable the eGPU on the viewport (which is counter-productive).
This is of course not the ideal solution. Plus, looks like that if I enable the eGPU only, the rendering on the viewport stop working. See attached video below (viewport-render-bug-egpu). (As a side note, on Cinema4D R21 I'm able to enable the eGPU-only in ProRender with no problems, both in render and viewport).
Any help will be very appreciated.
Many thanks in advance!
Hi there. With the eGPU you to use it with viewport rendering (not final) you have to go into the plugin in a file called "Config.py". There is a setting there called use_gl_interop = True set that to False.
Unfortunately there is no way we can automatically detect this.
Hi bsavery!
Thank you so much! That worked like a charm! I'd definitively recommend to add a note about this on the documentation for future eGPU users.
Many thanks again!
When you say "go into the plugin" is that before it is installed or is it on a folder on the harddisk? I can't seem to find it?
Where exactly is this on a Mac. I am having a hard time trying to find the right config.py to change. Blender on a Mac really does a great job of hiding plugins etc. Do you need to access it from inside Blender.
Anyway I have exactly this issue with my external GPU. I can render and its nice and fast but Viewport is grey
cheers in advance
Sorry. Should have been more clear here. In macOS your plugin is installed to ~/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/rprblender
Also I should mention the next version will have a checkbox in the UI to do this.
Yup this would be very useful.
I did some digging and found it by going into the add ons in Blender. Thanks for clarifying though
This worked for me! I had the same problem, works great now. Thanks!!!!!
I am experiencing the same problem. I have a 5700 XT+ and also a MacbookPro with an internal Radeon Pro560. If I check both GPUs, Blender crashes immediately. Also, when I am using my eGPU only (the 5700XT) all materials turn grey.