Dear AMD community,
I'm trying to compile our Fortran code with the last stable AOCC version (AOCC_4.0.0-Build#434 2022_10_28). I got the following error: "F90-S-1008-Interface mismatch in procedure pointer assignment".
I wrote a short piece of code, similar to what we have in our code, and which generates the same error:
program main
implicit none
abstract interface
function limiter_funct(r) result(psi)
c---- arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: r
real(kind=8) :: psi
end function limiter_funct
end interface
c---- the pointer of abstract interface type
procedure(limiter_funct), pointer :: p_psi => null()
subroutine initTvdSchemes()
p_psi => bcds
end subroutine
pure function bcds(r) result(psi)
implicit none
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: r
real(kind=8) :: psi
psi = 1.d0
end function bcds
end program
Can anybody tell me what is wrong here? Other compilers went through without any problem.