Sorry for the slow response; I just saw this. It's not enabled on the 3rd gen 7443P or the 7313:
bash-5.1$ lscpu | grep EPYC
Model name: AMD EPYC 7443P 24-Core Processor
bash-5.1$ cpuid -1 | grep -i 'direct cache access'
DCA: direct cache access = false
Direct Cache Access Parameters (9):
bash-5.1$ lscpu | grep EPYC
Model name: AMD EPYC 7313 16-Core Processor
bash-5.1$ cpuid -1 | grep -i 'direct cache access'
DCA: direct cache access = false
Direct Cache Access Parameters (9):
Does anybody know if this feature is supported on 4th gen EPYC Genoa processors?