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SDK Discussions

Journeyman III

Pink Materials in Radeon ProRender SDK

I have using Radeon ProRender SDK with HybridPro plugin and I am facing many problems with materials.

First I am not able to create any kind of materials but Uber or MatX, a call like this rprMaterialSystemCreateNode(g_matsys, RPR_MATERIAL_NODE_DIFFUSE, &material); for example, will return -23 (not supported).

I am wondering if it is a limitation of the HybridPro plugin.

Second, most important, when i use uber materials, they works but, after 10/15 materials I start having pink materials.

I thought about memory issues, so I checked but I don't see any error and rpr_status == RPR_SUCCESS is checked for every call?

Did anyone experience the same issue? any help to avoid this?

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