I am getting a major error when ever I try to run a video on Windows Media Viewer and also Windows Video Editor (Photo).
The error would come up as 0x887A0005, and both screens would blank out for about 5-7 seconds.
It is a little hit and miss, but running at about 50% of the time.
When I would try to render in Windows Video Editor (Photo) I would get the same result.
It would direct me to update my drivers.
I've updated the drivers...the crash error has gone away...
but then my 2nd monitor locks in at a 640x480 resolution. I can't increase the resolution.
The 2nd monitor is a an acer...can't tell what the resolution used do be but it is at least a 20"+ monitor.
Thank you in advance!
The screen shot translates to a normal pixel ratio, but on my side I have a 24" and 20" they are being fit to.