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Adept II

A potential OpenCL driver problem with AMD 5700G APUs

Dear ROCm team and other OpenCL experts,

I need your help on using your APUs with OpenCL. Today I installed a new APU platform with AMD's 5700G with the intention to use its OpenCL functionality with Octave and Octave-ocl ( Octave is well known as an opensource alternative to Matlab, while Octave-ocl enables the similar gpuArray functionality in Octave with OpenCL devices as compared to CUDA only in Matlab. I was a tiny contributor to octave-ocl with some of my testing and coding as well as my own fork page ( However, the problem I face with AMD's APU just above my limit in time.

The problem is that any time I try to use AMD's platform driver (for example, OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3302.6)), the Octave program will crash.

You can try install Octave 6.3 (select a directory without any space, otherwise there will be problem), and pkg install the Octave-ocl tar.gz file.

For example:

>>pkg install ocl-1.1.1.tar.gz

% this will install the ocl pkg in octave

>>pkg load ocl

% this will load ocl pkg


% this will generate a GPU array with 1 row, 5 colums of ones. BUt it will make the Octave program crash.

My experience:
I had no problems with ocl in Nvidia (e.g. RTX 3080), Intel CPUs/GPUs. But 5700G will give a crash. (and I remembered a very long time ago, I borrowed another older amd APUs, it also crashed the program). More info on different drivers, please see my page:

I had no problem with AMD's 5700G CPUs (Yes, its CPU part even though AMD dropped the Windows OpenCL support for CPUs ) even if I choose Intel's OpenCL runtime to run any OpenCL tasks.

I had no problem with AMD's 5700G GPUs if I choose Microsoft's OpenCL on DX12 runtime to run any 32bit OpenCL tasks (Unfortunately, it does not support 64bits).

To select the opencl driver, we can use >> ocl_context ("device_selection", 'GPU0')

GPUn represent the nth GPU driver, while ocl_context ("device_selection", 'CPU') ask to run CPUs. Also U can use

I tried to find the problem with Windows cmd, it gives the following results:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.1202]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

'octave' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Users\Owner>cd C:\Octave-6.3.0\mingw64\bin

GNU Octave, version 6.3.0
Copyright (C) 2021 The Octave Project Developers.
This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions.
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, type 'warranty'.

Octave was configured for "x86_64-w64-mingw32".

Additional information about Octave is available at

Please contribute if you find this software useful.
For more information, visit

Read to learn how to submit bug reports.
For information about changes from previous versions, type 'news'.

octave:1> pkd load ocl
error: 'pkd' undefined near line 1, column 1
octave:2> pkg load ocl
octave:3> ocl_ones(1,5)
error: Invalid record (Producer: 'LLVM3.9.0svn' Reader: 'LLVM 3.9.0svn')


Also, my platform info get from Octave-ocl

>> ocl_context('get_resources')
ans =

scalar structure containing the fields:

platforms =
[1,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

platform_index = 0
name = AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
version = OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3302.6)
profile = FULL_PROFILE
vendor = Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
extensions = cl_khr_icd cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_amd_event_callback cl_amd_offl

[2,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

platform_index = 1
name = OpenCLOn12
version = OpenCL 1.2 D3D12 Implementation
profile = FULL_PROFILE
vendor = Microsoft
extensions = cl_khr_icd

[3,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

platform_index = 2
name = Intel(R) OpenCL
version = OpenCL 2.1 WINDOWS
profile = FULL_PROFILE
vendor = Intel(R) Corporation
extensions = cl_khr_icd cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomic
s cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_dep
th_images cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_il_program cl_intel_unified_shared_memory_preview cl_intel_subgroups cl_intel_subgroups_char c
l_intel_subgroups_short cl_intel_subgroups_long cl_intel_spirv_subgroups cl_intel_required_subgroup_size cl_intel_exec_by_local_thread
cl_intel_vec_len_hint cl_khr_spir cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer


devices =
[1,1] =
[1,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

platform_index = 0
device_index = 0
name = gfx90c
vendor = Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
type = 4
version =

scalar structure containing the fields:

driver: 1x18 sq_string
device: 1x27 sq_string
opencl_c: 1x13 sq_string
profile: 1x12 sq_string
vendorid: 1x1 scalar

compute =

scalar structure containing the fields:

units: 1x1 scalar
max_dimension: 1x1 scalar
max_workgroup_size: 1x1 scalar
max_workitems_size: 1x3 matrix
clock_frequency: 1x1 scalar

mem =

scalar structure containing the fields:

global: 1x1 scalar struct
local: 1x1 scalar struct
const: 1x1 scalar struct
param: 1x1 scalar struct
address_bits: 1x1 scalar
align: 1x1 scalar struct
little_endian: 1x1 scalar
host_unified: 1x1 scalar
vector_width: 1x1 scalar struct

caps =

scalar structure containing the fields:

device_available: 1x1 scalar
compiler_available: 1x1 scalar
queue_props: 1x1 scalar
execution: 1x1 scalar
profile_timer_res: 1x1 scalar
error_correction: 1x1 scalar
half: 1x1 scalar struct
single: 1x1 scalar struct
double: 1x1 scalar struct
images: 1x1 scalar struct
extensions: 1x683 sq_string


[2,1] =
[1,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

platform_index = 1
device_index = 0
name = AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics
vendor = Microsoft
type = 4
version =

scalar structure containing the fields:

driver: 1x5 sq_string
device: 1x31 sq_string
opencl_c: 1x13 sq_string
profile: 1x12 sq_string
vendorid: 1x1 scalar

compute =

scalar structure containing the fields:

units: 1x1 scalar
max_dimension: 1x1 scalar
max_workgroup_size: 1x1 scalar
max_workitems_size: 1x3 matrix
clock_frequency: 1x1 scalar

mem =

scalar structure containing the fields:

global: 1x1 scalar struct
local: 1x1 scalar struct
const: 1x1 scalar struct
param: 1x1 scalar struct
address_bits: 1x1 scalar
align: 1x1 scalar struct
little_endian: 1x1 scalar
host_unified: 1x1 scalar
vector_width: 1x1 scalar struct

caps =

scalar structure containing the fields:

device_available: 1x1 scalar
compiler_available: 1x1 scalar
queue_props: 1x1 scalar
execution: 1x1 scalar
profile_timer_res: 1x1 scalar
error_correction: 1x1 scalar
half: 1x1 scalar struct
single: 1x1 scalar struct
double: 1x1 scalar struct
images: 1x1 scalar struct
extensions: 1x168 sq_string

[2,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

platform_index = 1
device_index = 1
name = Microsoft Basic Render Driver
vendor = Microsoft
type = 4
version =

scalar structure containing the fields:

driver: 1x5 sq_string
device: 1x31 sq_string
opencl_c: 1x13 sq_string
profile: 1x12 sq_string
vendorid: 1x1 scalar

compute =

scalar structure containing the fields:

units: 1x1 scalar
max_dimension: 1x1 scalar
max_workgroup_size: 1x1 scalar
max_workitems_size: 1x3 matrix
clock_frequency: 1x1 scalar

mem =

scalar structure containing the fields:

global: 1x1 scalar struct
local: 1x1 scalar struct
const: 1x1 scalar struct
param: 1x1 scalar struct
address_bits: 1x1 scalar
align: 1x1 scalar struct
little_endian: 1x1 scalar
host_unified: 1x1 scalar
vector_width: 1x1 scalar struct

caps =

scalar structure containing the fields:

device_available: 1x1 scalar
compiler_available: 1x1 scalar
queue_props: 1x1 scalar
execution: 1x1 scalar
profile_timer_res: 1x1 scalar
error_correction: 1x1 scalar
half: 1x1 scalar struct
single: 1x1 scalar struct
double: 1x1 scalar struct
images: 1x1 scalar struct
extensions: 1x168 sq_string


[3,1] =
[1,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

platform_index = 2
device_index = 0
name = AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics
vendor = Intel(R) Corporation
type = 2
version =

scalar structure containing the fields:

driver: 1x21 sq_string
device: 1x20 sq_string
opencl_c: 1x13 sq_string
profile: 1x12 sq_string
vendorid: 1x1 scalar

compute =

scalar structure containing the fields:

units: 1x1 scalar
max_dimension: 1x1 scalar
max_workgroup_size: 1x1 scalar
max_workitems_size: 1x3 matrix
clock_frequency: 1x1 scalar

mem =

scalar structure containing the fields:

global: 1x1 scalar struct
local: 1x1 scalar struct
const: 1x1 scalar struct
param: 1x1 scalar struct
address_bits: 1x1 scalar
align: 1x1 scalar struct
little_endian: 1x1 scalar
host_unified: 1x1 scalar
vector_width: 1x1 scalar struct

caps =

scalar structure containing the fields:

device_available: 1x1 scalar
compiler_available: 1x1 scalar
queue_props: 1x1 scalar
execution: 1x1 scalar
profile_timer_res: 1x1 scalar
error_correction: 1x1 scalar
half: 1x1 scalar struct
single: 1x1 scalar struct
double: 1x1 scalar struct
images: 1x1 scalar struct
extensions: 1x587 sq_string



summary =
[1,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

type = GPU
fp64 = 1
version = 2
platform_index = 0
device_index = 0
name = gfx90c

[2,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

type = CPU
fp64 = 1
version = 2
platform_index = 2
device_index = 0
name = AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics

[3,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

type = GPU
fp64 = 0
version = 1
platform_index = 1
device_index = 0
name = AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics

[4,1] =

scalar structure containing the fields:

type = GPU
fp64 = 0
version = 1
platform_index = 1
device_index = 1
name = Microsoft Basic Render Driver



Best wishes,


1 Reply

Sorry misread your Post, Here is the best place to post your question at OpenCL AMD Forum but first you need to get Whitelisted to post there from here:

This is where the Moderator will allow you to post at: