Hey i use AMD PRORENDER on MACOS MOJAVE with VEGA 64 eGPU Blender 2.8. Sometimes i get these weird black dots in lighted areas. I tried figuring out where they come from, but it's weird. sometimes they go away when i move the camera or set the noise threshold low. Sometimes they don't. Any advice? I really can't tell what's going on? I use Uber and Principle node. This didn't happen in the 2.79 blender addon, as far as i remember.
here another example, as it jsut happend again:
This is probably an extension of this issue https://community.amd.com/thread/238672 , have you tried without the CPU being used for a rendering engine?
I see. So this is a known bug generally in the 2.8 addon? Is it cross blender with any setup, or a specific egpu setup problem?
Its a known bug with this add-on, at least by myself and a few others. I don't know if the developers know though. It is cross setup, and eGPU doesn't affect it since its a CPU not an eGPU issue.
I've been having this issue in Maya 2018.6 on an i9 and an rtx 2070. BUT it only happens when doing batch rendering.
Yes, this is a known issue. It actually does happen in production render as well. I will send this information to developers.