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Radeon ProRender at SIGGRAPH 2017: Open-source Version, Coming To Cinema 4D and Modo, and Updated Plug-ins

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[Originally posted on 08/01/17]


Radeon™ ProRender is our free, fast, and accurate physically-based rendering engine that enables creative professionals to produce stunningly photorealistic images.

Along with the release of the open-source version of Radeon™ ProRender for developers, at SIGGRAPH 2017 AMD and MAXON are announcing that Radeon™ ProRender will be integrated into the upcoming R19 release of MAXON Cinema 4D.

We are also showing a technology demo of planned future Radeon™ ProRender integration into Modo® by The Foundry, and today we are releasing updated versions of our Radeon™ ProRender plug-ins and add-ins.


Radeon ProRender Renderer is Now Open-source

At SIGGRAPH 2017 we are announcing the open-source availability of the Radeon™ ProRender renderer, an implementation of the Radeon™ ProRender API, for developers looking to add physically-based rendering to their application’s workflow.

Please note, the Radeon™ ProRender plug-ins and add-ins for Autodesk® 3ds Max®, Autodesk® Maya®, Blender™, and SOLIDWORKS® (that are not open-source) have some features which are not currently available in the open-source Radeon™ ProRender package.

You can learn more about the open-source version of Radeon™ ProRender on our GPUOpen blog.


Integration into MAXON Cinema 4D Release 19 (R19)

Yesterday, MAXON announced the latest version of its professional 3D application that includes the integration of Radeon™ ProRender. Cinema 4D Release 19 (R19), coming September 2017, will provide artists cross-platform GPU rendering for both Windows® and macOS® with the seamless integration of Radeon™ ProRender, ideal for product and architectural visualization.

You can learn more about the integration of Radeon™ ProRender into Cinema 4D R19 on MAXON’s website and watch a tutorial video showing how it works on Cineversity, MAXON’s Cinema 4D tutorial and resources website. You can also read more about Radeon™ ProRender in Cinema 4D in this article (PDF) written by AMD’s Rob Jamieson.


Technology Demo of Integration into Modo by The Foundry

We will also be showing at our SIGGRAPH 2017 booth a technology demonstration of the upcoming integration of Radeon™ ProRender GPU-based rendering into Modo® by The Foundry. Radeon™ ProRender for Modo® brings a physically-based GPU rendering engine built on industry-standard OpenCL™ to The Foundry’s 3D modeling, texturing & rendering toolset. The Foundry anticipates the project to go into beta later this year and be available to all current Modo® Maintenance and Subscription customers.


Updates to Radeon ProRender Plug-ins and Add-ins

Today we are releasing updates to three of our currently available Radeon™ ProRender plug-ins and add-ins for leading 3D content creation tools. The Radeon™ ProRender add-in for SOLIDWORKS® will be updated to version with the addition of the following new features:

  • SOLIDWORKS® car paint appearances are now supported.
  • Bump mapping on decals is now supported via Normal Maps.
  • SOLIDWORKS® environment settings can now be overridden from the Settings tab.
  • Undo / Redo is available within the render window and applies to all settings.
  • Synchronization of the render window with the SOLIDWORKS® scene can now be toggled to allow a render to continue while the user modifies the model or switches between different model documents. The render will also continue if a model is closed, but the render window controls will be disabled.
  • Environment lighting (IBL) can now be adjusted independently of SOLIDWORKS® scene ambient light. To adjust IBL intensity, use the “Environment Multiplier” in the Lighting panel in the Settings tab.
  • Both the Radeon™ ProRender plug-in for Blender™ (Windows® and Linux®) and the Radeon™ ProRender plug-in for Maya® for Windows® will be updated with quality improvements.

To learn more about the Radeon™ ProRender add-in for SOLIDWORKS®, plug-ins for Blender™, plug-in for Maya® for Windows®, and to download documentation and the updates, visit our Radeon™ ProRender website or get them directly below.

Blender Plug-in Updates


Autodesk Maya Plug-in Update


SOLIDWORKS Add-in Update


Mech-Spider title image by Theory Studios created using Radeon™ ProRender for Blender™.

Wine Cellar image by The Pixelary created using Radeon™ ProRender for Blender™.

Tube amplifier image by Glen Johnson created using MAXON Cinema 4D Release 19 (R19).

Alexander Blake-Davies, Software Product Marketing Specialist for Professional Graphics at AMD’s Radeon Technology Group. Links to third party sites and references to third party trademarks are provided for convenience and illustrative purposes only. Unless explicitly stated, AMD is not responsible for the contents of such links, and no third-party endorsement of AMD or any of its products is implied. Use of third party names or marks is for informational purposes only and no endorsement of or by AMD is intended or implied.