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Journeyman III

Whea uncorrectable error on Ryzen 7 7700X

Hello everyone,


I have upgraded my computer from a r7 2700x to a r7 7700x with an assus prime B650M-A motherboard and 32Go of DDR5 Ram.

There is multiples issues, first was an issue from the RAM and now since 2 weeks i have random BSOD with "Whea uncorrectable error".

The minidump files says "FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x124_1_AuthenticAMD_PROCESSOR__UNKNOWN_IMAGE_AuthenticAMD.sys", i have updated every driver possible, disabled fast start windows but nothing changes.

It happens when my computer is starting, less than 10 min after starting i have the BSOD, 2 or 3 starts in a row and than everything is fine for 1 or 2 days. 

The CPU temperature looks fine (40°) and i haven't done any overclocking.


Can someone help me or is it an issue from the CPU itself ?

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