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Journeyman III

Temperature AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core

Hi, I'm a bit new to this and I wanted to ask you a few questions about my processor, the first is about the temperature. When I play Assassins Creed Origins (one of the games with the best graphics I have) the temperature in the CPU goes from 80 to 85 degrees and in the GPU from 72 to 75. I don't know if this is normal while playing or if it is dangerous for the processor (I read that it is made to withstand 95c).

The other is about the AMD Rzyen master application, which monitors the processor, sometimes it appears that the EDC (CPU) is in red and at 99%, I honestly don't know what it means and if it is normal when it appears (the configuration I have of the plan energy is maximum performance)

I appreciate if you can give me a hand, blessings!

1 Reply

Your processor Maximum operating temperature is 95c so your processor isn't overheating but you might want to clean out your CPU Cooler and PC for maximum cooling efficiency.

When EDC in Ryzen Master goes red in the above Icons that generally indicates that the motherboard is throttling the CPU even if it isn't overheating.

There are BIOS settings that can change the "Default" EDC to the Maximum the Motherboard will support.

Also Windows Power plans affect those Icons on Ryzen Master. Do that first and see if the RED EDC icon goes yellow or green.

Not knowing the Make & Model of your GPU card I wouldn't know if your GPU card is overheating or not. Most likely it isn't. If it goes above 90c then I would be concerned.