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PC Processors

Journeyman III

ryzen 5600g need graphic card for multiple monitors?

I think to buy ryzen 5600g without graphic card, but i don't know if the ryzen 5600g APU can extend screen across multiple monitors.

Do i need graphic card for that or the graphic card on ryzen 5600g is enough?

1 Reply

Found this  Reddit Thread where another User is asking the same question. One User gave a good answer but don't know how reliable it is:

Screenshot 2021-09-21 175910.png

Neither CPU World nor WikiChips indicates the maximum displays the 5600G can support.

Found another CPU Spec website and it mentions the 5600G uses Radeon 7 Graphics (Renoir):

Screenshot 2021-09-21 175910.png

At CPU-Monkey for the Ryzen 4600G is also shows a maximum of 3 Displays for the Integrated Graphics:

Screenshot 2021-09-21 175910.png



Yet at WikiChips for the Ryzen 4600G the predecessor of the 5600G it supports 4 displays with Radeon 7 Graphics:

Screenshot 2021-09-21 175910.png

So one CPU Website says the 4600G support 3 Displays and another CPU Website says it support 4 Displays. So at least you know the 5600G supports at least 3 Displays.