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PC Processors

Journeyman III

ryzen 1700x down clocking under high load

Hello i bought a ryzen 1700x and got a nice shiny liquid cooler and put in on a ab350 gaming 3 from gigabyte motherboard, when i do anything intensive on it the clock speeds slowly lower from 3.47 all the way to 3, as soon as its over it goes back to normal, Ive reset bios and re-installed drivers and I don't know what else to do but reinstall windows at this point, its not a thermal issue, i watch the temps during bench marks and they stay at highest 81C but usually idle at 33C to 35C. I know the CPU and board are not defective because i had a previous windows instillation where this all worked fine, had to re install because of a update bricking the OS. The voltages lower along with the clock speeds, Ive tried to set the clock at 3.4 and turn off C state control but still nothing, turning off C state makes it idle at 3.42 but still down clock whenever it is put under any load, Ive also tried manually setting the voltage in bios but i cant give it a exact value, i just do +0, Ive tried to make my own power plan and set the min and max to 100 but same issue, why is this happening and how do i fix it?


Ryzen 1700x

Gigabyte ab350 gaming 3

4 x 4gb 2400mhz Ram

GTX 980 ti (if this matters at all im not sure)

Cooler Master MasterLiquid LC120E

7 Replies
Big Boss

xhartl, Please post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (RM), when the frequency is lowered.  RM is the only valid temperature reporter.  You can drag-n-drop the image into your reply.  Here are your specifications:


Your maximum temperature is 95C.  RM will tell us why you are throttling.  What OS are you running and what power supply.  Thanks and enjoy, John.


Hello misterj, thank you for responding so quickly. This screenshot was taken just as it started to down clock. The lowest i saw it get was 3225 towards the end. I am using the ryzen balance power plan and ended up reinstalling windows last night, issue didn't change. My OS is windows 10 Pro 64 bit, Version 1809 build 17763.316 my power supply is the EVGA 450BT. My mother board is running the latest BIOS F25 i also flashed that last night. You know, after thinking about it, the entire time i though my power supply was 650 watts... i just did the math and it looks like i draw a little much... thoughts?pastedImage_2.png


Hello misterj,

After thinking about my voltage lowering it appeared to me that i had too little power, so i looked at my computers maximum usage and came up with a amount around 700 watts (i had a 450 watt when i thought i put in my 650 watt) now i have a 750 watt power supply, the corsair TX750M, same issue, it starts to down clock at 73C

Big Boss

I agree with your power analysis, xhartl.  You may have a little more than needed now but that is fine.  Unfortunately RM does not report PPT, TDC and EDC for your processor.  Here is my RM where PPT has hit 100%:


Pegged PPT, TDC or EDC will throttle the processor.  I have the option to increase PPT (and have), but you do not using RM.  Please look in your BIOS and see if there are options for these settings.  I should say your power supply is not your problem.  Sagging voltages will most likely crash you system and you have not reported that.  I assume you have a supplied cooler.  Please be sure it is mounted well.

Your specifications:pastedImage_4.jpg

You have plenty of temperature head room.  Thanks and enjoy, John.


Hello John,

I am unable to find any settings relating to PPT, TDC, or EDC online, in the BIOS, or in the motherboard manual. Also i went and checked and my fan and pump are all properly attached. For reference I am using the gigabyte ab350 gaming 3, is the b350 chip set a bad chip set for my 1700x? I have noticed not many people use a 1700x with a b350 board, however i found no reason not to. Thank you for your assistance so far.

Big Boss

xhartl, I do not have an opinion on the B350 - never used one.  So, I guess are at your system limit.  Looks like to me you are close to full performance.  AMD is trying to protect your CPU.  I am not an OCer, so perhaps check with an OC forum for a way forward.  Good luck and enjoy, John.

Hello John,

I was starting to wonder about the chip set, i just couldn't find much about a 1700x on a b350 and didn't want to play the extra money, thanks for your help so far but i learned a long time ago that overclocking isn't the solution. I'll look around a bit but i think that soon here ill find a way to get a x370/x470. Thanks a ton for your help John and have a good day.