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Journeyman III

Is it possible to use AMD uProf Controller API with Unreal Engine 5.1?



I tried to use the AMD uprof Controller API inside unreal to profile only some specific functions, but the function they expose, amdProfileResume, it does not resume the profile, even if it returns "SUCCESS".

Has anyone tried to use this before?

I followed this guide here, chapter 13:

I created a thirdparty plugin and linked their Lib. I exposed their two functions in my module with two static methods and invoked them in a new project.

I then packaged the project and launched from the AMD uProf profiler, telling that I'm using the API to control it.

When the log in my example prints "RESUME PROFILE SUCCESS" I expect the profiler to start collecting data, but nothing happens.

The example 'ClassicCpuProfileCtrl' works well, and it apparently does the same thing.

What am I missing?

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