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Journeyman III

CPU (Ryzen 5800X) completely fused to heat sink

Hello guys,


3 days ago I wanted to clean my PC and change the thermal paste. The tower was bought from a copmany (everything set up).

Mother baord: MSI X570-A PRO.


I pulled the CPU out with the cooler. And I couldn't get it off. I went trough the forums and tried all the tipps I found.

- I bought a hair dryer to warm it up, didn't work, no matter how long I heated it up.

- I used as much force as i could without breaking the pins (and I used a lot of force), wiggling, pulling, nothing worked

- I bought a liter of high % ispropanol and and soked the entire thing for over 6 minutes, then tried dental floss, I tried a thin blade to get inbetween and

tried pulling and wiggling again. Still nothing.


I can't get it of and there isn't even a mm of space inbetween the cooler and CPU. It's sompletely fused. It sticks to it like super glue was used.

Is there anything else I can try?It basically broke my cooler and CPU. Can I get reimbursed for that? The CPU is just about 2 years old.

I have never ever had this happen to me. I am out of options. What can I do?


Thank you and regards

1 Reply

I'd say your best bet is to contact the company you bought it from and ask them what's up with it. Obviously this whole thing doesn't sound right so it's possible they did something weird during assembly and that would probably be your best bet - figuring out if the damage occurred because of their mistake. Then that might open up conversations about making it right on their end.

Perhaps you could post some pictures of the cooler and the cpu, the motherboard too? That way maybe someone here might have an idea of what went wrong and whether it really was something during assembly or perhaps and error on your side.