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Adept II

Boost Limit of 5.5Ghz on 7950x due to c-state limiter in AM5 AGESA

I had posted about this issue previously but figured a new thread was warranted as my original post was looking at it as being a fault (the 5.5Ghz boost limit) where as i now understand this to be something by design in the more recent AGESA updates.

I believe this affects all 7000 CPUs, but i have a 7950x and can only really relate my experience in that regard.

So the problem appears to be that if there are more than 1 core active, the CPU speed will be limited.  For example under a gaming load or a single core run of CB23, the CPU will not boost higher than 5.5Ghz, regardless of the cooling solution, case airflow or power delivery.  This is a hard rule put in place by AGESA Patch A and all the subsequent updates.

If i use a BIOS revision that is based on earlier AGESA versions, then the "Advertised" boost specs return i.e upto 5.75GHz but I unfortunately cannot use those earlier revision for my particular board due to having a RTX 4090.

So my questions is why has this been done and is it something that perhaps should be made optional? or will it even be reversed in future patches?

I know this might be seen as a first world problem and some might even say that the performance difference in lightly threaded tasks like gaming is likely to be minimal and therefore unnoticeable.  I am just not sure this sits very well with me when the 7950x is advertised as a CPU that boosts upto 5.7Ghz and that isn't actually achievable if you are using an updated BIOS which most will be to ensure maximum compatibility

5 Replies
Adept II

The responses from AMD on this subject are overwhelming.


I would really appreciate an answer to why my CPU is being is limited to a max boost speed much slower that is currently advertised for the 7950x.



you wont get any reply here, typical AMD bury there head in the sand when theres an issue.....

Big Boss

soupladel, I suspect you agree that this is a subject for your MB vendor and AMD to elucidate, but I would like to see a SS of Ryzen Master (RM) running R23. Thanks and enjoy, John.


I would like to see evidence that it isnt effecting other Motherboards, I am on an Asus board but there seems to be a lack of interest in the subject and i dont understand why because that loss isnt exactly miniscule.

It is going to be interesting to see if the same limit applies to the new x3D chips that have been announced as having the same max boost as the non-x3d variants