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PC Processors

Adept I

5600X Availability?


can anyone tell me when the 5600X will be in stock again here in the US, and where? Was looking to do a new build by taking advantage of the current deals going on during the holiday season, but I can't, because the CPU isn't available anywhere. I'd hate to buy everything but the CPU, then have to wait another month or longer to get it. 

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


5 Replies
Adept I

Thanks for all the replies, everyone! Y'all have been very helpful! :smileylol:



2022 year - in stock sure

Your best bet is if you have a local retailer to buy from. I have Microcenter by me and they do tell you what days they have shipments and I am there at opening to try and get it if it came in.

Some online retailers let you set notifications when they come in stock.  you can sign up here for alerts too and they constantly update with a lot of retailers. 

Good Luck on finding what you want.


What you can do at the moment so you don't delay your build is buy everything, but get like a cheap Zen+ processor to hold you out in the interim until 5000 series stock settles.  Obviously it isn't ideal, but it will at least get you up and running.  Once it becomes available, buy what you want and sell the interim processor.  

Adept I

Same question...two weeks later...still no sign of any cpu availibility. Beside scalpers!!!! I use Hotstock never had any alarm in the last 18 days! So no stock at all.