I have this, as I saw, common problem with WHEA logger 18 crash on my PC. Here is the full spec:
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor (12 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
AMD Radeon RX 5700 8GB
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. X570 UD
be quiet! Pure Power 11 600W
2x GOODRAM 16GB (1x16GB) 3600MHz CL17 IRDM PR
Crashes happen only in games and they are pure random. Sometimes I can have "safe" month or two, sometimes I get couple of crashes in one day. It mostly depends on how advanced is specific game (for example, Dirt Rally 2.0 is crashing often than Dying Light). I tried almost everything, almost every method with no effect. 😞 Let me tell you ALL I tried and all I know.
1. My PC, except this one issue, is working fine, with good temperatures, no overheating. It can handle stress-tests from various programs easily, nothing bad happening when doing that. I tried checking health of all components that can be tested and I never get even a single problem or damage.
2. I disabled "fast startup", reinstalled GPU drivers, updated every single driver. No effect.
3. I changed the following setups in BIOS
- PSS support/AMD Cool n Quiet -> disabled
- global c-state control -> disabled
- power supply iddle control -> typical current idle
- power down (DRAM) -> disabled
- gear down mode (DRAM) -> disabled
- core performance boost -> off
No effect.
4. I found the last solution I never tried before so I did that. Look - I set VCore to Normal and set voltage in the Differential field to +.006 volts. Same with VSoc and Differential field changed to +.006 volts. I heard that this crash can happen because of CPU idle voltage. And well... another no effect.
Please guys, help me 😞 I'm going insane!
My full specs, included CPU and motherboard, was in first post and nothing changed by the time: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor (12 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
AMD Radeon RX 5700 8GB
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. X570 UD
be quiet! Pure Power 11 600W
2x GOODRAM 16GB (1x16GB) 3600MHz CL17 IRDM PR
Optimized defaults never worked for me, even after upgrading BIOS and drivers, reinstalling Windows 10, changing D HDD to SSD and buying new RAM sticks - previously I had two 8GB. Only changing things in BIOS mentioned by me previously gave a little more stability (especially PRO drivers for my GPU) but it's not 100% and it mostly depends on games and settings. For example, Snowrunner is more stable with lowered graphics from all max/ultra to high and medium in certain places. It still isn't a solution (crashes happen) and leaves me with good PC that I can't use properly with newest games on full settings, as I wished when I bought it...
I don't think that enabling XMP can help, because I heard that it's more unstable than basic settings. In my case it also noticeably increased temperatures without any visible changes - no better effects, no faster loading, nothing just hotter and more power hungry CPU and GPU.
But maybe I give it a try, just like changing PBO as you told me to
enable xmp is a must other wise you will not make full use of your memory ! Default speed is 2133 mhz for mem and most likely you bought them to be 3200 and up. XMP is a must and I also always load optimized defaults. Latest bios, latest chipset drivers, xmp og and optimized defaults should be a safe thing to go with. The 600 w psu is a little on the small side, but ok also see 3600 cpu and older 5700 gfx card - so should be ok.
Note if you use PWM fans you need to state so in fan control - somehow auto never works and just go full throttle on fans.
Well, better performance (which XMP should make) is not what I am trying to achieve - I can even stand with medium, just only to have a stable PC. Optimized defaults combined with latest drivers for everyting not helped me (as I said before) and only changing some things in BIOS leaded to increase stability for a little bit.
I don't know what PWM fans means, but, when trying to fix my problem, I tried to modify points in BIOS when fans changing their rotation speed (I thought that maybe something is too hot) but with no effect, so I decided to back to defaults.
Why do you think that my PSU is too weak? When doing stress tests for hour or more I saw that GPU was took about 170W and CPU about 50-60W. Even with adding power consumption of other parts, like MOBO, RAM, fans (one with color leds), box, discs, etc, it isn't even close to max power of my PSU.
I also thought that probably GPU is unstable (you know, dealing with this problem for years and searching internet for solution day after day can make a clue...) but what will happen if I bought a new one? I wanted graphics card from AMD again (just because I enjoyed interface, functions and hotkeys/shortcuts), but this time a better one with 11GB, not 8. Is that means that I must also buy a new PSU because current one is too weak?
make sure bios is updated and you have loaded optimized defaults.
Follow this one - this alone was solution for me:
In short and from the link:
Update latest bios 4403 (the one with AGESA
Load optimized defaults and enable xmp / DOCP - save and boot and enter bios again.
Go to advanced menu - AMD overclocking/precision boost overdrive/pbo - this setting is at auto - change to advanced.
In new row (PBO limits) change to motherboard and hit F10 (save and boot) and nothing else.
It's important that you try to change to motherboard - since MB is the one handling everything !
No other changes needed.
Try it out !
Hmm, you have different BIOS and CPU, but I will try it. Thank you, I hope it will work