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PC Processors

Journeyman III

What will I need to do to make my ASRock ab350 pro4 board work with Ryzen 5 2600?

I ordered these two motherboards along with a couple of 1700 processors, but the order for the 1700s got screwed up, and now I'm looking at the upcoming ryzen 5 2600 chip instead.  I know that the board will be compatible with a BIOS update (current version is P3.20), but I don't have a chip to put in it to get it up and running to update the BIOS.  

Will I absolutely require a boot kit to update the thing, or could I possibly just download the BIOS updates onto a USB stick using an older computer and just flash it initially?  Any help would be appreciated.  Easiest thing might even be to return these motherboards and get one that has 2000 support native?

1 Reply

Going by this screenshot from some guy in Chile who got his hands on one already, it's running on a X370 board with a month old BIOS, this round of Ryzen 2000 chips should not be subject to the headaches of the Ryzen APUs.