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PC Processors

Journeyman III

What type of processor is compatible with my motherboard? Laptop turns on but nothing shows

Hello fellow AMD users! I enjoy your coming here to try and help me, thanks!

Now, I finally recieved my AMD Phenom Quad Core CPU, and after A TON of screws removed...

I got my old AMD Athlon 64 x2 out! (Which I don't seem to find any info for.)

Now, the new cpu came with a thermal paste mini bag, so i dipped a bit in the center. (Just around a dot like anybody would normally do)

All's well after my first time ever changing a cpu, until...

It doesn't boot?

All I see is a black screen, but the charging lights and the light indicating the laptop was on was also on, but no display whatsoever.

Now I have heard (not fully understood)

That my motherboard can support certain type of processors/cpus (whatever you'd call them) only, and the socket type isn't the only thing that makes it compatible?

Now sadly my laptop is inaccessible, since it won't boot and even if I could change the new with the old, I'd need more thermal paste of which I don't have now.

I was hoping the people who have created this could help me, but I can't seem to know what my motherboard supports, and I can't seem to find records or anything without knowing what type it is. Also info about the old processor should help me find a compatible one, but I'm afraid it's much too old to find here because of these newer releases...

(Also they look gosh darn fast and cool, cheers for advancing more!)


So help me find processors compatible with my motherboard, so I suppose giving you the old model can help?

AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core 1.60 GHz (Ik SUCKS, right?)

Thank you very much! I'm a new user, forgive me if I haven't explained enough to you D:


7 Replies

Need the EXACT MAKE & MODEL of your laptop to figure out what CPU will be compatible.

I would go to your Laptop Support site and open a ticket and find out if the CPU you installed is compatible. If it is, most likely you need to update the BIOS for the laptop to recognize it, If not, then they might be able to advice you what CPU is compatible.

Plus you didn't mention the Make & Model of the new CPU you installed


I have an Acer Aspire 5517, and I have been looking into how to update my bios, it doesn't look tooo hard.

As for my new CPU? I could have gotten you more details, but as I said my computer can't be turned on without proper installation, so here's what I read from it:

AMD Phenom II Quad Core, NADHC AD 1039MPMW. Year: 2008.

I hear that code helps track what 'family' it's from I think.


AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core, NAAEG 0935CPAW. Year: 2005

I don't think I helped you much but I got all the info I could out of the CPU's.




Where on earth did I get "Turion" from... lol

Can that be changed?? Its a phenom not turion.

I changed it sorry


Here is the Drivers and downloads page for your Acer 5517 from Acer Support: .

Seems like the last BIOS update was in December 2009. Also it seemed have come with Windows 7 installed with no Windows 10 drivers available.

This thread from ACER Forum concerns upgrading the CPU on your laptop:

This is ACER Support concerning all the CPU that can be upgraded on your laptop:

The AMD Phenom  or Phenom II Processors are not supported by your laptop that is why it won't boot up. You need to install either Athlon II or Turion 64 x2 processors according to the list from Acer Support that I posted.

This is from CPU-World concerning the specs on the various Turin Processors:


I have Windows 10, so your telling me I will not be able to update bios, narrowing my choices?

Seems you've done some research, thank you. After all, what I needed was the best processor available that's compatible with my motherboard.

So the Turion 64 x2 TMDTL64HAX5CT looks pretty promising, although there's a chance it won't work, I have seen the motherboard compatibility page and since I have the Aspire 5517 you pretty much solved the problem for me. When I am in possession of it someday soon..? I'll report back here.

Have a good day! Seems coming to the source really helped me.



That link mentions that even though a compatible CPU may fit in the Laptop's CPU socket, the laptop won't boot up since it is not the same electrically.

The notebook uses S1g1 version of the socket S1, and is compatible with other socket S1g1 CPUs. Socket S1g2, S1g4 and S1g4 processors will fit in the socket S1g1, but they are not electrically compatible with it, and the Aspire 5517 laptop will not boot with them.

Well according to Acer Support for that model, it shows no drivers for Windows 10 and the last BIOS update was about 10 years ago. So you need to be sure you have the last BIOS update installed and then pick one of the CPU on that list. Hopefully it will boot up. But in case you don't have the latest last BIOS installed. Install the new CPU and see if it boots up and works. If it doesn't then you really have no choice but to update the Laptop's BIOS.

Hey, I learn a lot myself whenever I start researching a User's issues. But I am glad that you received the information that you needed.

Also to clarify this is a User to User Forum and not AMD Support.

Man, those CPU are fairly ancient. The CPU that you mentioned is being sold at Newegg for just $26.50 which ships from China. AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-64 2.2 GHz Laptop Processor CPU TMDTL64HAX5CT -

Ancient indeed. Sad but true.

But I'll never get around to it. This is fast next to what I have now. Well, I guess ya gotta get low to know what's good

And yes the info you supplied is true and was taken into thought