Besides the obvious (cooling) I'm aware that there's a highly complex relationship between memory parameters (speed, latencies, even module capacity, and maybe # of modules, etc), that different motherboard chipsets and bus arrangements affect speed, that memory modules themselves can suffer from speed degradation based on their chip layout and controller(s) on them, that I/O arrangements and hardware (e.g. multi M.2 PICe4 RAID) affect SSD [not really part of my question, but, I don't want to sacrifice I/O speed in my max-processor-performance quest here] ... and there's no doubt even MORE that are important that I don't know about [gpu probably isn't relevant or affecting cpu performance here, but I'm not totally sure].
I'm also aware that over-clocking can be possible (affecting all the above even more), and in particular, that "faster memory causes slower performance" because the optimal we want is to match the Infinity Fabric's (possibly overclocked) speed exactly to the ram we're using (if there's no match, everything has to wait)...
So - What, as of right now (July 18, 2021) is the peak in performance for this chip? For arguments sake, lets say I want to come top in this chart (the user submitted benchmarks): 53,480 CPUMARK: (although technically, single-core performance is my most important metric, without sacrificing too much the overall cpumark).
More info about my motivation and research into this is here, FYI: