My PC crashes very often (mostly when watching Youtube) and it really begins to annoy me.
My config:
Ryzen 5 3600
16gb 2666mhz hyperx
256gb ssd m.2 nvme
r9 390 gaming 8g
Asrock b450 pro 4
ps: Sorry for my bad english I'm not a native english speaker.
Update: tonight it made randomly shut off and turn on but with artifacts, after rebooting it the artifacts were gone.
I really don't know what to do now. 😞
Попробуй поставить частоту и вольтаж в ручную, думаю никаких проблем не будет.
У меня такая же проблема была
The problem is my pbo and cpb are already disabled ( the "auto-overclock" thing).
I tried to downgrade and to upgrade my bios but nothing change.
This is the very common WHEA reboot issue. Symptoms are WHEA errors in Windows event logger, and reboots with a black screen (no bluescreen) at idle or near-idle. Try a beta BIOS with AGESA, there are some indications this helps. I'm up to 2 days stable now with it.
Hello, thanks for your help but I don't seem to find a agesa for my motherboard (asrock b450 pro4) I don't know if it isn't for asrock or if I just can't find it.
I don't have the WHEA-LOGGER 18 error anymore (now its kernel power 41 (63).
So it's not really better.
If you can't get a BIOS with AGESA, disabling CPB and setting an all-core clock typically fixes it too. But you will lose some single-core performance.