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PC Processors

Journeyman III

strange processor noise

Good, I am writing to you because yesterday, my computer, from one moment to the next, began to make strange noises, more specifically the processor. The first thing I thought about is what might be a little dirty and I cleaned it with a dry brush, after this I retested if the sound persisted, and it was. I think the problem could be the heatsink, or the processor itself. Could you help me?

Ruido procesador. - YouTube 

3 Replies

no moving parts so something else is generating sound

fans are the biggest source of sound

I believe you mean the Processor's CPU Cooler fan is making noises.

In the Youtube video, I personally don't hear anything but see a clear video of your computer. I don't see any cables or wires that could be hitting the fan causing any type of noise.

Put your ear close to the CPU fan to verify the noise is coming from the CPU Cooler and nowhere else from inside the case. Your PSU also has a fan as most likely your GPU card if you have one installed plus it could be a computer case fan also.

Is the noise really loud like a rasping or scraping noise?  Or like a whirling sound like the fan blades turning really fast? 

The first noise is abnormal and the second is normal noise.

If it sounds like a scraping or rasping noise (like it needs oil) then if still under Warranty I would see if the Retailer or AMD will replace the fan or CPU Cooler for you.


Sonds like a faulty fan, it usually makes that sound if its no longer aligned properly wherein the fans basically wobbles or ossicallates instead of being flat and steady with its rotation, you can sometimes see it as the fans creating a wave like patern on its sides as it rotates at speed.

Its pretty a common occurance with very old fans (and in some cases on very cheap 120mm fans) and can usually be fixed by dismantling tha fans and re applying a grease that may have dried up. Can only be done on fans that have removable seals on the back though, cause if its the ones that are completely sealed shut with plastic then your gonna have to replace the entire fan cause forcibly removing that will pretty much render the fan unusable.

Not really sure if its the CPU fan though since its difficult pinpointing where and on which fan the sound is coming from in the video, so your gonna have to isolate exaclty where it is by temporarly disconecting some of your other fans.