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PC Processors

Adept I

Solution for Integrated Graphics crashing on AMD Ryzen 9 7950x

Shared previously on Reddit, sharing now as it will probably help more people here.
Like most AMD owners, I've been having all sorts of issues with integrated graphics:

- Chrome crashing with hardware acceleration

- Artifacts on Windows 11 start menu (red squares)

- Directx games crashing

After some fiddling, I eventually fixed the problem by changing bios settings.

My motherboard is ASUS ROG STRIX X670E-E GAMING WIFI, yours might be slightly different.

Set the GPU Boost like the following screenshot, the GPU clock frequency has to be typed manually:


To find out which clock frequency you have to type, go the your processor webpage in AMD's website and scroll down until you see the Graphics Capabilities section.There, you'll see the frequency used by the Integrated GPU.


Reboot and hopefully enjoy.

This fixed all graphics issues I had with my IGPU, hope it does the same to you.

AMD should release a fix for this, this should work out of the box without requiring people to experiment and fiddle with settings to make the system stable.

PS: If this fixes the issue for you, can you please share which processor do you have ? Thank you.


26 Replies
Adept I

@strix thanks for sharing the solution. It seems working for me. Though it may cost more energy.

Asus Rog X670E Hero + 7950X


Another workaround is using the PCI-e GPU, and disable the iGPU.



Big Boss

strix, how you can be sure this is an AMD problem and not, for example, an MB problem? Have you shared this with AMD and if so, what was their response? Thanks and enjoy, John.


Because just Google it for ryzen 7950x (or ryzen 9) + igpu crash/freeze video driver and you will search for tons of threads with different motherboards /ram/psu etc, but all with the same issue... Igpu crashing when using it... It's igpu driver (or igpu itself) issue 100% sure about that. People with thinkpad laptops with igpu have same issues as same as us with desktop pc... 


mtrakal, what does AMD say bout this? Enjoy, John.


I have purchased two motherboards (Asus Rog x670E hero and ASRock Taichi) both are top-tier products for AM5. The same iGPU crash happens on both MB. I would prefer it's a CPU flaw.


Have the setting from above resolved your problem?



Yes. The unstable issue is gone when I set the GPU to the max clock freq 2200. But I still return the CPU to let the AMD engineer do a full test.


BTW, the CPU works fine with all kinds of CPU workloads, only the iGPU is unstable by default settings.


Get the new CPU installed, the problem is gone.


I tried several things to make the system stable such as:

- Removing the PCI-E graphics card

- Use just one ram module

- Fresh Windows install.


The only thing that didn't work well on the whole system was the integrated graphics.

The integrated graphics is inside the CPU, so the issue must be there.

I came up with this solution by luck, by searching for a similar problem on Radeon graphics cards.



Using GPU-Z while using the system, I observed that the clock frequency would go to zero when the graphics card crashed.
So I tried setting it up to the default frequency on the BIOS and it worked.


About reaching out to AMD, despite having found this solution, I contacted AMD about this problem.
They replaced my CPU as I was under the warranty period, and the new processor doesn't have any issues.

For all these reasons, I believe the issue is on the CPU. 

Thanks, strix. So you really needed a new processor not alterations to your original one. Enjoy, John.

Adept III

Is your monitor HDMI? How many? And did you overclock any components and also activate EXPO/XMP on your memories? Did you check if the memories are stable with TM5 in the 1usmus v3 profile? Do you have images of the screen errors?


There is a possible solution in this link if you use an HDMI monitor or two monitors, one of which i... 


I use display port only.

Ok, but the problem occurs on other platforms after they also started to adopt dynamic memory mode for the iGPU by default. Old processors don't have as many problems with HDMI, but Windows 11 caused crashes on several machines. I discovered that it was a problem related to the iGPU because I was watching a video and the system crashed and the sound continued to flow normally. On my HDMI monitor the problem happens randomly and after a longer period of time in use, with the Display Port I didn't notice this, but using both at the same time it also happens and was only resolved when I activated the static memory mode for the iGPU , so this problem happens in certain BIOS versions, not all, like older ones. I saw here that my old i7 4790k processor does not have a dynamic memory option, perhaps this change has contributed to new machines being more affected by problems.


That link I provided has the solution that worked in my case when using two monitors, one being DP and the other HDMI.

Adept I

here the problem happens when I use h264/h265 hardware decoders ... ex: firefox playing youtube or simply opening cnn website.

i have now set the integrated graphics clock to the default for my cpu.

i will let you know if the problem has gone.


i have the same problem on 2 pcs one with 3200G and one with 5600G

Adept I

I ended up returning the CPU and getting a new one. The crashing disappeared

Journeyman III

Bro u saved me, i have a ryzen 7700 and it stopped freezing when i setup gpu to 2200 MHz, i was already losing hope

Journeyman III

That actually worked with my Ryzen 9 7900x, thanks dude.

Same here! I tried so many things to get this to work, including installing multiple versions of Windows. Such a simple fix!

Journeyman III

Tried it on 7950x3d, if I don't come back here then it fixed my issue with the driver crashing.

Thank you,

Another fix can be applied from the bios : - 

NB Configuration > UMA - I set it to 4GB, some people set it to 8GB. I only have 32GB RAM, so I chose 4GB.

Configuring UMA Frame Buffer Size on Desktop Systems with Integrated Graphics

Journeyman III

Thanks for sharing this! I’ve had similar issues with my AMD Ryzen system, and adjusting the GPU Boost in the BIOS worked wonders. It’s kind of a pain that AMD hasn’t released an official fix yet, but at least there’s a workaround. For anyone else experiencing the same problem, definitely check the Graphics Capabilities on AMD's site and follow these steps. Let’s hope they roll out a fix soon!

Adept I

I couldn't find GPU boost in my bios. So if you go to Advanced Mode > Ai Tweaker >

And if you don't find GPU boost. It might be changed or called something else, depending on your motherboard bios. On mine, it's called GFX clock frequency rather than GPU boost.


My processor is AMD Ryzen 5 7600x and my Graphics frequency is 2200 Mhz. I changed it to 2200 Mhz from auto and it worked. The firefox garbled text went away. Thank you.

Journeyman III

I just bought a 7950x and I had exactly the same problem, it turned out to be a faulty CPU. I've ordered a 2nd one (7600x) just to confirm this theory and 7600x worked perfectly fine. Will try to RMA the 1st one, fingers crossed AMD will rule in my favor and replace it. I mean, it's clearly a defective CPU (or rather the iGPU part of CPU)

Journeyman III

I have the same problem, but I can't find the option in the BIOS of my mother (msi mag x870 tomahawk wifi), has anyone with an msi mother been able to solve it?

Journeyman III

@strix fixed for X670-E PLUS and Ryzen 7900X thank you

Journeyman III

@strix I've registered just to tell you that you rock! Thank you!

Journeyman III

bro, I love you, I was scratching my head and was kinda depressed that I got faulty Gigabyte B650M Gaming X AX or faulty 7800X3D because as soon as I try installing iGPU drivers or allow to windows to do so automatically. My PC would crash with frozen black screen everytime.

Today, I saw your solution and followed it, it fixed the issue. Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver.

But it still crashes whenever I open Adrenalin software, maybe that particular software has issues. Otherwise works good.