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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen Master not showing cores section with 5800x and no processor speed


I bought a 5800x on release day, and replaced my 3900x with it  on my Asus ROG Strix X570-I board.

First thing I noticed was that I didn't geht a reading about the processor speed. Ryzen Master shows 0MHz even with the newest release. 

And there is no cores section showing the single cores of the CCD and their speed rating.

I tought it was a problem of the early BIOSes. 


Now, several BIOS-Versions later, the problem persists. 

And there are more things: the rating of the best cores (CPPD) seems to give wrong informations to the system. 

HWInfo and other monitoring tools show that not the best cores are clocking highest. 

Also HWInfo shows temperature readings of 2 CCDs, while the first is moving very slow, and the second one is reacting fast to every load change.

Now worht the release of CTR 2.0, a tuning software from 1usmus, this tool says I have a unique processor with 2 CCDs, and the second one is the active one.

Wouln't be a problem if the software would also be aware of that and handle the CPU correctly, which it isn't.

I tried to contact the german support, but the guy answering there is acting very dumb giving me nooby answers like I should reinstall windows and reset the bios...

So, please, update the softwares and firmwares in order to operate correctly with the processor, or I'm forced to RMA it because it doesn't work properly (which it does...).

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