Hello. Recently, I built a brand new computer and I'll first list all of the relevant specs here:
The only thing I've noticed has been the SoC power stuck at 25W nearly the entire time (sometimes it's 27W, previously it was 10W and I don't know what setting is causing it to do that). I have also seen my GPU times, and I'm almost positive that the GPU is not at fault. To my knowledge, I have the CPU pre-render option enabled (meaning the GPU waits for the CPU? not too sure on that one). Regardless, I have not messed with the GPU at all before the issue arose. Final note, I have also seen a big idle temperature decrease which makes me think it's either the CPU, the Motherboard or some software/drivers but to my knowledge I uninstalled all the ones.
I'm willing to try anything at this point. Give me some ideas if possible and thank you if you help me find the problem! 🙂
first of all if i were you i would wanted to be sure if this is a performance drop of some sensor or firmware of the motherboard or cpu facing an issue and indicate wrong things. for example what is your r23 score ? you should see something around 39000.if your score is 39000 for example you do not have performance problem
then if i was sure that performance was not as expected i would do bios update to the latest bios and then fresh install of windows.
also check for maybe some firmware not bios update by asus.
i think that if you do all these things and problem remain then you have hardware issue.
good luck
Hello. Throughout me using 16 cores, and also having this massive performance hit, I have retained a R23 score of ~36500 maximum. The R23 score for 8 core was halved so around ~18000.
I'm in the process of reinstalling Windows, so I'll try that first.
I have also tried every BIOS version and it seems that they're not changing anything anymore.
Thank you for the advice and I'll get back to you when I've tried everything! 🙂
with this cpu cooler 36500 is not normal but it is not a disaster i would expect something like 40000 with pbo enabled . i asume that it is something simple like the contact with cpu with the cpu cooler . are you sure that the pump of cpu cooler is working good ? for example the header of the pump always gives maximum power ,if you have placed the pump to a wrong header that is for the cpu fan, from bios you must set full speed so the pump works good
Yeah don't worry I ensured that. It's currently plugged into the CPU_FAN header and set to DC mode - for some reason putting it in the AIO_PUMP header results in the BIOS saying that the minimum fan speed (200RPM) is too low, or that the cooler is not connected/seated properly. You can change the setting for this to "Ignore", but sometimes it doesn't fix the problem and most other people with an ASUS board have said to just use the CPU_FAN header instead and manually override it from AUTO to DC.
As for my Windows install, well... After formatting the SSD properly, Windows refuses to install on the SSD currently - I'm still trying to look at some different fixes for this. I might copy all files from my current 1TB SSD to the 2TB one and see if Windows will some how let me install the files onto the one I'm currently using to boot.
Okay, a few updates:
I managed to fix the performance problem by reinstalling Windows - woohoo!
However... I can now no longer boot, which I think is due to the ASUS motherboard I have - I've heard a lot of people have issues with them boot looping/freezing, etc.
Installing Windows was very much a pain, but hey, it fixed my problem. One thing I haven't done yet is install all the drivers again, but I'm reluctant to do that since I think it may be the reason all of this happened in the first place.
Last thing, my Cinebench R23 score is still ~36500, even with PBO enabled. Not too sure what's happening there - temperatures are again fine so I don't really know.
Thanks a lot anyway! 🙂