I have paired a new Ryzen 9 5950x with an Asus Crosshair viii hero, but I am suffering really high temperatures. at idle the processor is running at 75C. Under very light load goes up to 80C
I have tried lot of things and just for clarity I am very experienced in building machines (over 25 years).
I used a Corsair 100i platinum cooler and after several attempts to cool ( 4 reseats using 3 different CPU thermal pastes) I came initially to the conclusion it was the cooler at fault.
Wanting to use I bit the bullet and bought a replacement cooler a Kraken X73, I installed and net result was 1C cooler i.e. 74C. So not the cooler but something else!
I did some searching online to discover others have been having a similar issue multiple motherboards, I found some suggestions to help which were to switch my board into an eco mode (which did nothing) the next suggestion was to disable boosting (which kind of cripples the chip) , this I did and now see temperatures in the region of 45C. I don't know where the problem lies exactly, but if several manufactures are seeing then it kind of points to an AMD issue with the Chip or something they have supplied to the board manufacturers. After days of building and then re-applying the coolers I do feel a little cheated. I tried raising with ASUS but because I registered my motherboard for cash back it is saying the serial number is already registered so cannot raise a support case. I coming on here hoping that someone can give some advice and maybe someone from AMD can help.
@CalinB wrote:Hello,
is there any fix for this problem yet? I get 91c in Prime 95 benchmark, 82c in Cyberpunk and the fans are at 100%.. I got the new bios update and it’s the same.
3090 rog strix
crosshair hero viii wi fi
corsair vengeance 3600mhz
nzxt x73 aio 360mm
Settings are on stock, pbo enabled, xmp enabled.
PBO Enabled means overclocking. Try it off.
Also, which BIOS did you apply? 3102?
Either disable PBO or negative voltage off-set.
3202 bios, with PBO off it’s the same.. I even exchanged my cooler for a new one, no difference. Sent the cpu back for testing, they couldn’t find any issue..
Weird thing, I have a mate with a build that is similar, only difference is the mobo (e gaming from Asus). He gets 60c in cyberpunk, 29idle..
PBO was enabled, I know he got 63c in cinebench r23, don’t know the score. I get 80+ with PBO.
And from what I see, PBO on auto means enabled. I put it on auto and it gives me the same clocks as enabled.
This is indeed weird if he really gets these temps with auto settings, PBO and CPB enabled. Because I also have the same motherboard you mentioned. Asus Rog Strix X570 E-Gaming. I also applied a new AIO CoolerMaster liquid cooler and the max temps I got when I run CPU mark last time was 75 to 77 degrees. But it seems I am facing issues with the Streamlabs OBS while streaming.
I don't know if this has to do with the GPU but Streamlabs usually having fps drops when the CPU usage is High. I can see the Virtual DJ software using a lot the CPU but I am still not sure if it has to do with the encoder NVENC (New) that I chose instead of the normal NVNENC.
Now that I am writing you here for example I have idle temps at 30-41. I also tried the undervolting settings by using a curve optimizer with -12 magnitude but I didn't see that much different. Now I used the TDP power and VDDC SOC power to Optimized and Extreme from T.Probe and Auto to see if this helps for the stream performance.
However if you can get some screenshots from your friend about the BIOS settings he used and the bench temps, it would be nice.
Also I have watched this video and it seems this guy can reach a great overclock because of the specific Asus motherboard Crosshair Dark Hero III if I am not wrong that is the only one having the option Dynamic OC Switcher. Wondering if we can get this option too in our Asus motherboards with BIOS updates.
If you see, he is also getting 90 degrees. So it seems this CPU it's made up to work like that like AMD says? Hmm. Who knows. But I think it worth to take a look guys
@mickyfin @CalinB @mrsense @astrosquirrel @LLLars @giboune
Hi all, fellow 5950x owner suffering the same high temps even after installing a full custom loop with 2x360 rads with only the CPU connected (waiting on a new GPU).
Now first, i am on the Asus Corsshair VIII Hero. My issue is the MB feeding the CPU too much voltage. I can easily see in HWinfo each core being fed 1.45v at idle, causing the high temps.
Now what's interesting is my flatmate picked up a 5950x same time as i did. However he opted for a slightly lower end board from Asus, the x570-e gaming.
What's interesting is his board behaves.
He's idling at 1.1 to 1.2 volts seeing normal temps. (this is with optimized defaults for both of us.)
This leads me to think my board has some OC features enabled by default, being a more OC advertised board. I haven't actually verified and compared all the BIOS settings between our boards, just a hunch and would make sense.
It's also annoying trying to compare BIOS settings as almost everything is set to Auto, which could be enabled, disabled, a Asus specific tuned setting or god knows what else.
I read most of this thread trying different options. I thought PBO was enabled when set to Auto, but as i see in the thread that's not the case, it's been disabled this whole time i've owned the CPU+MB combo which makes the high temps even weirder.
Reading this, i thought what the hell, let's enable PBO and see how high the temps would be now. So i went into the BIOS, opened advanced settings -> AMD overclocking -> Precicion Boost Overdrive, and set it to enabled.
I also went into the Asus OC screen (2nd tab from the left, can't remember the name, AI Overclocking?) -> PBO -> Enabled everything i could in there.
Behold, actually lower temps! I don't understand what's going on here, but i'm now idling at roughly 1.35v and my temps have gone down quite a bit. This is still not close to my flatmates 5950x/x570-e gaming combo, but it's better.
PBO behaves as expected, in single core cinabench runs it now boosts to 5ghz flat, where as before it would hit 4.95 but at significantly higher temps.
Anyways, it would be interesting to hear if anyone has the same experience as me.
EDIT: Just to be clear, it's boosting to 5.0ghz now, PBO enabled, with lower temps than before enabling PBO.
Supposedly there are issues on Asus boards with beta BIOS where the VRMs aren't properly calibrated yet. That could account for higher temperatures. 1usmus is a very reliable source.
Unfortunately many of us with WHEA black-screen reboot issues are forced onto beta BIOS with AGESA or to avoid the reboots, so we really have no choice but to use them. If you can use a non-beta BIOS, you should do so.
Hi @spykezap
First of all welcome to the 5950x club. It's also interesting how many of us we joined these forums after we got this CPU and we are trying together as a team to find any solution.
It's really crazy to know that you are using custom loop 2x360 and getting these crazy temps too.
If I am not wrong your motherboard should have an amazing setting that is called Dynamic OC Switcher. This will definitely help you if you enabled it. It should be in the A.I Tweaking tab and in the CPU core something if I remember right.
I do have also the Rog Strix X570 E-Gaming and recently I tried some other options in BIOS and I had GTA 5 online ultra settings (with rtx 3090), opened Firefox with many tabs on the background and the Steam as well.
And I reached 87-89 degrees Celsius while I am using the CoolerMaster MasterLiquid 360R AIO that I recently changed from an air cooler.
I even tried some other guide from a YouTuber that uses the Dark Hero Croshair 3 and the CPU reached 100+ degrees and for safety I got a PC reboot.
Now we just hope for a new BIOS and AGESA updates that they can handle this CPU and its voltage to normal values. Even if AMD mentioning that this CPU is made to run easily to 95 degrees, I still fill anxious and uncomfortable to run it more than 80 degrees.
Hope we can find a solution finally here.
Hi @Ero_Sennin,
Yes i literally signed up just to join this thread haha, it's really bothering me now after installing the custom loop.
I mean my temps are not as crazy as the non-custom loop dual 360 rad owners, but it's much higher than it should be. As mentioned, now after enabling PBO it's down quite a bit and the idle voltage is lower as well.
As you can see here, this 5950x owner recieved a update and now his board is behaving and he's seeing temperatures you would expect with a high end custom watercooling loop (close to ambient temps).
I totally agree with you, even if the CPU is designed to run at 95c, it shouldn't with sufficient cooling.
I will play around with the Digi+ for a bit as i got a hunch there's something there just feeding the CPU more power than it needs.
my own language community forum have lots of intel fan. they are always writing "bla bla bla bla intel good bla bla bla intel king bla bla intel cold". i was showed them to this picture. i was writed "pls get this score or better and get better cpu temperature with air cooler." i writed lots of thing for motivate them. they cant write anything....
they cant answer or reply from 25 december 2020...
this is stress test of cpu-z and i'm waiting for cpu temp to maximum
But this guy using a 5800x that is a totally different story than 5950x buddy. Here there are people with Kraken z73 and they got crazy temps too. And we are talking for a not cheap AIO right? Something's happening here and the funny thing is that AMD and MOBO manufacturers staying silent. For example I just updated now the BIOS with the newest version (beta) that came yesterday and still no differences 😕
Sorry you are absolutely right, my mistake.
I also updated today to latest (probably same as you) and i saw no difference either. Only positive difference i've had is enabling PBO as it seems to override some "stock" voltage settings that are not right at all.
Was thinking about contacting ASUS. I find it so interesting my flatmates x570-E Gaming doesn't have this issue.
We even swapped CPUs, to make sure my CPU wasn't the issue, saw exactly the same result. So the issue is the MB, not the CPUs.
i'm reading in this post. lots of asus motherboard user writing temperature problems. i'm used prime x370 pro. and now tuf gaming b450m pro s. used ryzen 1700. 3700x now 5900x. my cpu cooler arctic freezer 33. i never see temperature problem. but when i'm see some other problem when im contacting asus support they are not usefull. they are pass the subject. sample: i cant use linux manjaro normaly after agesa combov2pi. there is "no irq handler for vector" problem. msi fixed problem with agesa bios releases. asus cant 😄 their support saying this is not our problem pls contact with linux developers.... problem is totaly about bios. i'm very old computer seller. msi boards was best for amd ( from semptron time ). my mistake is buying asus board. i can write lots of msi motherboard advantages.
@mickyfin But still 5950x is different from 5900x. Also @yardroid I had also contacted Asus but I don't get any answer. I also contacted AMD and they had the answer "It's fine to run in 95 degree cause it's made up handling this" Well that wasn't that satisfying while it looks like an easy excuse to me (wish I am wrong).
They have released 4-5 BIOS from October but it doesn't seem to have any difference in temps even with a different AGESA every time. And I also can't understand why they don't add the option Dynamic OC Switcher to the other Asus motherboards that supports Ryzen 5000 and only the Crosshair III Dark Hero has it.
It seems we are not going away soon enough from this article
The Crosshair viii hero wi fi does not have the dynamic oc switcher, just the dark hero mobo has it.
I wasn't sure enough then. But yes the guy in the video I posted on earlier post using the Dark Hero. But still can't understand why we don't get this option to the rest of the Ryzen 5000 support motherboards. Is it something that has to do with its hardware? Really sad thing.
I think it is, it’s more expensive than then hero WiFi just for this option, I guess.
Hello guys...
I still have a look on this discussion, but I repeat... for me it's pretty good now... I didn't use the new BIOS... still 3001 version.
I disable PBO and CPB but active TPU1. I'm at 4000MHz and my result in Cinebench R23 is better than in stock with PBO and CPB. And temps are really better, 41°C idle, 46°C on the web (video), 69°C in Cinebench, 60°C in RDR2...
With only 1 fan in front, 1 for Ventirad and 1 back... and fans speed courbes are very low to decrease noise. I have 1 fan disable but I keep it for this summer, and I probably should increase fans speed.
But I'm happy with this today. On RDR2, my 3090 is at 72°C and CPU at 60°C during a 2 or 3 hours gaming session.
For me the problem comes from GPU now. Because noise comes from it... but 3090 are pretty hot in normal use. I can adjust fans speed to have a less of noise without exceeding 77°C. I will try it.
So I can only advise you to disable PBO and CPB and active TPU1. I think active TPU1 is enough because it probably disable automatilly PBO and CPB (not sure).
Hello, do you have a better temp in game with your new AIO ?
Hi @giboune
I tried a CPU mark benchmark and games Resident Evil 2 Remake and GTA V and I noticed about 6 degrees lower temps. And all in auto settings and PBO and CPB enabled. Before I was getting about 88 and now max 79-80.
Hope with new BIOS and AGESA updates things to be even better.
You might try to run some synthetic benchmarks to make sure performance is the same, I discovered that after bios update on my motherboard I had half pcie throughput and had to reinstall AMD chipset drivers. Just make sure you do not have lower temps due to lower performance.
Try setting Core voltage to Offset mode, minus (-) prefix and 0.1000 volt. This and no PBO has my Crosshair Viii and 5950x running nicely cool and without much performance penalty.
Hi again. Today I tried to change the Performance Enhancer from Auto and Default (That I already had tried), to Level 1. I also tried the undervolting method I found out from this video. Now I ran the benchmark and I got max temperature of 76 degrees which I find pretty satisfied comparing by previous times with the previous BIOS and the previous Air Cooler.
I also have set my RAM with Ryzen DRAM Calculator to the Fast Preset profile by changing their timings and some other settings along with their voltage. I used the recommended values by the Ryzen DRAM Calculator and not the most higher etc.
PBO and CPB are enabled normally. I have changed the TDP power limit to the Extreme option instead of auto or Optimized.
There are more things I changed probably in BIOS but I have to check if I need to mention them again because in time I was making different changes. However hope this helps. I am also overclocking my MSI RTX 3090 Suprim X with +50 core voltage, +125MHz core clock and +800MHz memory clock. This, I found on Guru 3D article about overclocking this card.
I just mention it in order that someone could like to try the same. Hope everything to be fine and I am monitoring of course everything.
I have a strange issue where my 5950X is running at 74 C at "idle", but under load drops to low 60's??
Just saw that and I leave it here just in case https://www-pcmag-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.pcmag.com/news/if-you-buy-an-amd-ryzen-5000-cpu-mak...
Just an update to my previous post. Since my theory was that the CPUTIN sensor was causing ASUS to overvolt and overclock when temperatures were high - I figured the best thing I could do is try to undervolt the CPU.
I was already using a -10 offset in the PBO2 curve optimiser, but I decided to also try just a negative offset to VDDCR (CPU voltage). I set an offset of -0.0875 since I saw someone else mention using that.
For reference, the full BIOS adjustments I've made:
Regular PBO is disabled, and nothing else has been changed. I also didn't add any MHz to PBO2 in the setting, it's still set to 0.
Booted up and did some testing. I don't wanna jinx it since it's only been running for a little bit, so I can't fully confirm yet if it's stable, but I have done a couple Cinebench runs and played some Hitman 2.
So a quick temperature comparison:
Low intensity tasks (like writing a post here):
Browsing the web with multiple tabs etc:
Playing Hitman 2:
Playing GTA IV:
Windows Defender full scan:
Across the board it's definitely made a big difference to temperatures, but in some areas more than others. GTA IV seems badly optimised and still runs ridiculously hot. Windows Defender peak temperatures are still ridiculous, but the average temperature is literally 10C lower, a huge difference. Low intensity stuff like web browsing sees a similar ~10C drop.
What's interesting too is that I ran Cinebench R20 (both single and multi core) and Cinebench R23 (just multi-core).
Previous scores were:
Current scores:
(I'm aware these scores aren't amazing for a 5950X, even after the changes - but since it's still lightning fast I'm happy with them and have no intentions of RMAing just for hopes of winning the silicon lottery and getting a better chip.)
So as well as lower temps I'm getting better performance. That might be because of PBO2/curve optimiser though and not the additional voltage offset I applied. Perhaps best of all, my fans aren't having to spin up as much so my PC is mostly staying close to silent. (This was what was annoying me before more than the temps themselves, since I'm aware AMD has said these temps are safe)
If you're still struggling with the temps, might be worth trying a small negative voltage offset to VDDCR and seeing if that helps. Just be sure you know how to clear CMOS on your board in case you set it too low and it's unstable.
I might try a bigger one like -0.1 instead of -0.0875 if this is still running stable after a day or two, but for now I'm happy to at least not be seeing sustained 80C temps anywhere anymore.
Instead of offsetting VDDCR, you should play with TDC and EDC within PBO2 settings.
Also, try negative 10~12 for the 4 best cores, negative 15 ~ 20 for the remaining cores in the optimizer setting.
I was having the same issues 5950x with Aorus Extreme x570.
I set CPU VCORE to Normal Keeping 1.2V
Dynamic Vcore to -0.1.000v
PBO to Enabled
Now getting Idle temps 43-45c and max temp 80c gaming arround 65-75c
Cinibench r20 score 11037
I checked mine. One photo with default settings in BIOS and the second photo with only PBO enabled. I didn't change anything regarding the voltage etc. I still waiting the stable MSI BIOS with AGESA to try the undervolting guide. For now I am still in the version ComboAm4v2PI Patch C.default_settings
Well bellow 85c it's still really good to me when we talk for the 5950x. I saw a big difference after I changed my motherboard without a doubt.
@CalinB You may be interest on checking this.
@ghostwheel2000 I don't think my BIOS has a "normal" setting for VCore. Do you just mean default? Because on mine default is like 1.4V or 1.45V, not 1.2V.
Any idea regarding the following?
I tried to use PBO settings that mentioned by this guy on this video. After I did that the PBO didn't work because I could see my cpu frequency stable at 3.4GHz without any auto boosts or changing. Then I reverted to the stock settings by load optimized defaults and I only changed again the option PBO to Enabled and my RAM in XMP.
After I reboot now and even if I reset bios to default, reflash again the BIOS, having Windows 10 power plan profile to High Performance, I can see my some cores of the cpu in idle reduced to 2.9GHz, 3 and 3.1GHz. This wasn't happening before and it was always at 3.4GHz.
But the weird thing is that after using a music software that for some minutes making some process and use CPU a lot, now the single core speed reached 5.3GHz. Check the cores in the photo. I don't really know what's happening here.
Any idea guys? Everything else in BIOS is in Auto settings as always was. Thanks in advanced.
111.48Mhz BCLK??
And I have it in Auto. I didn't change anything there buddy. Is this too less or too much? Don't know what to do. I tried reset bios, reflash bios, nothing changed. I even reset power form the PC.
After a lot of tinkering this is how I was able to address this issue for my setup which I detail first
5950x cooled with a Noctua NH-D15 Chromax on an Asus Rog X570e (on V3001 Bios, I am getting WHEA crashes with 3405)
2X32 GB Corsair Lpx DDR4 3200 CL16
MSI RTX 3090 Ventus 3X OC
Corsair RM850X
Enabled PBO and set the default PPT(142W), TDC(95A) and EDC(140A) limits on it. Added a 200MHz max boost override with a negative 10 offset in curve optimizer (I can probably go 12-15 but haven't had the time to check stabilities yet). You can see the results I have gotten below
I added the clock speeds with a screenshot shown in paint (since I can't fit the entire thing on my screen). You can see that my best cores boost upwards of 5GHz and my temps don't exceed (80C). They generally hover around 70C under full load with occasional spikes up 80C. Idle temps hover around 45-50C which is much better than what I was getting using default settings (around 65C). I am not losing any performance compared to stock settings. I hope you find this helpful. This still does not address the problem which is Asus bios settings because this issue seems much more prominent on Asus motherboards from what I have been able to gather online we still need a fundamental bios fix.
Hi @Blunt_Knife
Thanks for sharing these useful information. They are indeed helpful. I may try this. Also you could try the CTR 2.0 that will help you probably get easier the most out of your Ryzen 5950x.
It will also show you if you have Gold, Silver or Bronze thread CPU. So the settings you mentioned all done in BIOS right?
Also according to Optimum YouTube channel, the 5950x could go max as far as -12 in magnitude.
Glad I can help. CTR 2 identifies my cpu as a silver sample. I haven't done a deep dive in CTR 2 yet but from what I have understood so far I will lose single core boosts, correct? That is correct I can probably go up 12 ticks of undervolting but it depends on my luck in the silicon lottery. I will try and update if I can get better temps with minimal performance loss and solid stability.