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PC Processors

Adept I

Ryzen 9 5950x Running at 74c, Is this a safe Temperature?

I have paired a new Ryzen 9 5950x with an Asus Crosshair viii hero, but I am suffering really high temperatures. at idle the processor is running at 75C.   Under very light load goes up to 80C

I have tried lot of things and just for clarity I am very experienced in building machines (over 25 years). 

I used a Corsair 100i platinum cooler and after several attempts to cool ( 4 reseats using 3 different CPU thermal pastes) I came initially to the conclusion it was the cooler at fault. 

Wanting to use I bit the bullet and bought a replacement cooler a Kraken X73, I installed and net result was  1C cooler i.e. 74C.  So not the cooler but something else!

I did some searching online to discover others have been having a similar issue multiple motherboards, I found some suggestions to help which were to switch my board into an eco mode (which did nothing) the next suggestion was to disable boosting (which kind of cripples the chip) , this I did and now see temperatures in the region of 45C. I don't know where the problem lies exactly, but if several manufactures are seeing then it kind of points to an AMD issue with the Chip or something they have supplied to the board manufacturers. After days of building and then re-applying the coolers I do feel a little cheated. I tried raising with ASUS but because I registered my motherboard for cash back it is saying the serial number is already registered so cannot raise a support case. I coming on here hoping that someone can give some advice and maybe someone from AMD can help.   


663 Replies

Hey guys, I got a bundle of a 5950x and a ASUS Strix x570 F Gaming board recently, and I’ve been seeing these high temps myself, it’s my first AMD chip like probably a lot of people.  Anyway, I’ve had two different AIO coolers on this chip, a Corsair H100i RGB Platinum 240mm and my current Artic Freezer 2 360mm, going from one to another I saw a drop in idle from around 33c to 28c, even seeing it go as low as 24c which is really good, but regardless on both coolers it goes directly to 90c in a stress test and games in the 60’s to 70’s with occasional spikes into the 80’s.

Now I’ve read what that marketing guy from AMD said about the Ryzen chips going up to 90c or 95c depending on the chip, but I’m still getting conflicting info online, even a guy on Facebook arguing that he’s done a build for a guy and it never gets up to 90c and shouldn’t.

I’ve seen the chip can get to just over 5Ghz on a few cores while I was playing a game if that matters.

Anyway, apologies as I haven’t read the whole of this thread but is there any ideas and news on all this?  Why are some not going to 90c under stress and others are?  Why are some idle temps so high, I thought there might be a BIOS maturity issue with these new chips on some boards and I see from a few posts others are suggesting that could be the case.  I was about to try reseating my cooler again in the hopes that might change things but honestly after already doing that with a different cooler and getting really good idle temps this time I don’t think it would change the max temps at all.

Any thoughts?  Thanks.


@WhiteHawk77 wrote:

I saw a drop in idle from around 33c to 28c, even seeing it go as low as 24c which is really good, but regardless on both coolers it goes directly to 90c in a stress test and games in the 60’s to 70’s with occasional spikes into the 80’s.

What stress test exactly is producing 90c? Otherwise your temps are ok. It is very difficult to judge what other people have because everyone is messing with BIOSes, PBO etc. so everyone has different setting, this thread is example of this.

The best would be if everyone post screenshot with Hwinfo sensors all values so we could see all temperatures, power limits, voltages, clocks, etc..


Hi and welcome to the forums and to the family of this annoying event or call it issue.

Like some mentioned here including me after I read some other reviews about the 5950x, it seems that the reviewers got a gold soc's of the 5950x for their reviews and most of them had never reached these temps. Of course I watched one that got the 90+ temps.

However it seems that things in the final market products, looks different and worst about the temps.

So now we are only hope that motherboards with future BIOS updates could help us on that. Because here there are users with air coolers, liquid coolers, custom loop coolers and they still facing these issues.

If I knew that I would definitely go for the 5900x. Anyway. For now if we need low temps, it needs that we have to run this CPU with lower frequency that means reduced performance.

And that's a foul from AMD if you ask me. I don't know if the new upcoming motherboards for the 5950x ll help on that, but when we see here spikes etc. after 80c and AMD claims that the CPU is fine to run 90-95, it's a joke and not fine at all while there are spikes and throttling.

About the two guys here, as you mentioned they are probably both of them a marketing guys of AMD or a huge blurry fan boys of AMD or employees of AMD that they don't help at all.

Keep watching the forums and the whole posts here for further updates and let's stay patient.


@Ero_Sennin wrote:


Hi and welcome to the forums and to the family of this annoying event or call it issue.

Like some mentioned here including me after I read some other reviews about the 5950x, it seems that the reviewers got a gold soc's of the 5950x for their reviews and most of them had never reached these temps. Of course I watched one that got the 90+ temps.

However it seems that things in the final market products, looks different and worst about the temps.

So now we are only hope that motherboards with future BIOS updates could help us on that. Because here there are users with air coolers, liquid coolers, custom loop coolers and they still facing these issues.

If I knew that I would definitely go for the 5900x. Anyway. For now if we need low temps, it needs that we have to run this CPU with lower frequency that means reduced performance.

And that's a foul from AMD if you ask me. I don't know if the new upcoming motherboards for the 5950x ll help on that, but when we see here spikes etc. after 80c and AMD claims that the CPU is fine to run 90-95, it's a joke and not fine at all while there are spikes and throttling.

About the two guys here, as you mentioned they are probably both of them a marketing guys of AMD or a huge blurry fan boys of AMD or employees of AMD that they don't help at all.

Keep watching the forums and the whole posts here for further updates and let's stay patient.

Oh my, what a post [facepalm]. Look, clearly you're not happy with your CPU and system. You have expectations from it that will most likely never materialize, so my advise is: Return or sell the product (you should be able to sell it for at least the same as you bought it) and go get yourself an intel CPU. Then enjoy life. 

You're certainly a very difficult person to help, and then on top you start throwing baseless accusations in the air - because we objectively disagree with you - sorry, but I had enough of that already with certain "President".

Now I'm off to get ahold of Lisa S. and ask her where my checks are, as apparently I'm some sort of AMD marketing employee xD

Good day to you sir.



Yeah that's right. Me and about 15 more here we are all difficult personalities to help :smileylol:

And the reason is because you the fan boy can't offer any proper solution because you know there is no one yet right? :smileylol:

Isn't random that some people call you marketing guys cause you look funny by your words. Fan boys always dreaming so :smileywink:


@Ero_Sennin wrote:


Yeah that's right. Me and about 15 more here we are all difficult personalities to help :smileylol:

And the reason is because you the fan boy can't offer any proper solution because you know there is no one yet right? :smileylol:

Isn't random that some people call you marketing guys cause you look funny by your words. Fan boys always dreaming so :smileywink:

No, just you. The others are actually people that can be reasoned with. You're the only one with the name calling, childish posts, endless tantrums and tin foil hat conspiracy theories. 

You know what? my system works rather well and I'm enjoying it... a lot. Envy? :) well up to you to find the solution. I won't help you (and by you I do mean YOU, before you start speaking for everyone else again).

I've had an Intel system for the better part of a decade. 2500k with 970, then went to x99 and 5820k @4.4Ghz and a 1080ti, only to swap it now for what objectively is the best system... guess that makes me a fanboy in your head. I quite frankly couldn't give less of a toss.

I'm now going back to gaming on my wonderful computer and enjoy it, while you type angry forum posts :D



Hahaha. What do you mean just me? Others before me called you marketing guy. Also who is childish me? My name is from an Anime called Naruto and Ero Sennin was a great character of that Anime. But doesn't matter this is other thing.

And if you have your system works fine good for you. But who knows if you are saying the truth?

Also of course you will not help me because you can't and you don't know how to help me :smileylol:

No one needed someone like you that saying others doesn't know or use proper the settings of their CPU etc.

Liers and fan boys like you never needed. Sorry :smileyvery-happy:

The only child thar felt disturbed is you and that's why you call others children. Sorry again if I pushed your ego buddy :smileylol:

A guy that saying a CPU on idle and auto settings with 70c is working as it should. Hahaha 😂:smileylol:

You better change your name to AMD Defender. It fits you great 😉


Guys lets put an end to this. It's been a pretty helpful thread so far. Lets keep it like that.


What were your findings before you changed bios settings?


I hope so mate. Because until these 2 guys came here and started use irony to all of us that mentioning we are experiencing high temps and they actually put us as liers by saying we don't have this CPU or we don't use the right settings etc., without even having evidence, it's only anti-progressive.

When these guys stopped trying to troll here and make fun with us, we may continue normally again this thread.

By the way @trek started to act with more mature and he seems to understand now that here we really have in common many of us same results and he started to be on point.

So thumb up for you @trek if you continue like this and we may find a solution all together.

I will update also once I ll get my new motherboard. I don't expect of course differences while many here with different motherboards having the same results but however I will post photos to help.


I suggest for testing, if you think you have high temperatures to use common stress test, prime95 or aida64 (cpu + fpu only), but first load optimizes settings in BIOS to ensure you do not have any overclock

I can provide my results for reference with 15 years old Noctua air cooler and 5950x

  • aida64 cpu + fpu stress test, 75C with 2 cpu fans set to 800rpm after 10 and more minutes

You can also reference cooler reviews, etc., do all tests without PBO, just everything default and without nuclear 450W graphics card, etc.



I saw that post and looks good. Could you provide a photo with these temps while you are using an old Noctua cooler?

Also once I ll get the new motherboard I think to do the following:

I will use my PSU on single rail because I have the RTX 3090 and 5950x so I guess I need its max power as much as I read about it.

Except this I will use all BIOS settings in stock auto again but only xmp for the RAM to go at its out of the box speed pf 3600MHz.

Then, I will use my whole AIO and PC fans to max speed. Except this what else do you suggest of temps are again in not normal conditions and having spikes etc?

Should I also use the TDP power, SOC power etc to Extreme profile so PSU will work at irs max capacity?

Thanks in advanced.


I can provide screenshot of hwinfo prime 95 in place large fft stress test, that produces most heat, in this case I have temp around 75C with spikes to 78C, CPU fan speed 1000rpm

For inital test run always bios optimized defaults, you can just set xmp memory profile, but nothing else




@trek wrote:

I can provide screenshot of hwinfo prime 95 in place large fft stress test, that produces most heat, in this case I have temp around 75C with spikes to 78C, CPU fan speed 1000rpm

For inital test run always bios optimized defaults, you can just set xmp memory profile, but nothing else



I've also provided my results with a log file this morning, graphing the CPU and including voltage, Fan RPM as well as GPU data. My specs are also listed for comparisons.



Can you provide a screenshot with CPU frequencies presented and at their max usage and load? Core voltage seems too low there that means frequencies are also low. If I missed something on the photo enlighten me.

Also your mobo is Gigabyte that probably works better than Asus.


Yeah mate, I didn’t remove the plastic from the cooler 🤦‍♂️ How do you have these ideas? Of course I did. And the other guy, who started making comparisons with some “president”. Are you proud of yourself, bringing politics in a tech forum? What’s wrong with you? And you Trek, don’t you have something better to do? You didn’t help anybody in this forum. Take a look at the Gamers Nexus video about the next AGESA update. It will tackle the problem of high idle temps on certain boards, and high voltage spikes. It seems that this is an acknowledgement from AMD that it’s an issue. So can we all just leave it be, we’re not helping anyone. Thanks!

@CalinB wrote:

Take a look at the Gamers Nexus video about the next AGESA update. It will tackle the problem of high idle temps on certain boards, and high voltage spikes. It seems that this is an acknowledgement from AMD that it’s an issue.

No agesa will not tacke temperatures, there is no such a information, I have watched Gamers Nexus and he acknowledged only info what others are posting:

AGESA enables support for the S0i3 power state of Windows 10 (Modern Standby). The firmware also should improve system stability in the FCLK 1800 MHz to 2000 MHz range and adds support for "fanless X570 motherboards."


@CalinB wrote:

Yeah mate, I didn’t remove the plastic from the cooler 🤦‍♂️ How do you have these ideas? Of course I did. And the other guy, who started making comparisons with some “president”. Are you proud of yourself, bringing politics in a tech forum? What’s wrong with you? And you Trek, don’t you have something better to do? You didn’t help anybody in this forum. Take a look at the Gamers Nexus video about the next AGESA update. It will tackle the problem of high idle temps on certain boards, and high voltage spikes. It seems that this is an acknowledgement from AMD that it’s an issue. So can we all just leave it be, we’re not helping anyone. Thanks!

Ok ok, the president comment was probably not my finest moment - I'm ok to admit that - though the level of discussion was already in the toilet by then. 

Now, let's be pragmatic and try to help you. Have you been able to check the sheet I uploaded this morning?. BTW I am not able to see your video yet. 


It seems AMD recognizes that Ryzen 5000 have indeed some issues that they need to fix finally. I am not sure of course if these BIOS updates will play a role in the temperatures etc. but let's hope it will.


They fix just some bugs, but do not expect they solve temperture "issues" that are non existent and virtual.

It is written in twitter update, these are just common stability updates + raid + rebar + software support

  • RAID drive
  • general stability updates (memory compatibility? idk)
  • Support for PCIe ReBAR (GPU/driver support req’d)
  • Fix for 5600X/5800X telemetry in Ryzen Master (requires RM 2.6.1.X; also available in Feb.) - issue was following A few of the bugs being reported are the Ryzen Master not showing clock speeds, incompatibility with NZXT Cam software for displaying temperatures, and having sections of the software itself inaccessible and greyed out

Do not expect that AMD will solve non existent issues with BIOS update. AMD clarified clearly how temperature works, many users here that build a lot of computers described how thigs work. For some there is broken CPU cooler but no issues with CPUs (there are indeed issues related to common RMA rate as for each product).



I don't have big hopes as I never waiting, see and then judging. But I just hope the part "stability updates" could help somehow at least the performance in high temps. Not sure if of course this make sense.

I think what we really need regarding how the mobos reacting and handling the voltage, is new BIOS and AGESA updates from motherboard manufacturers.

Let's see anyway.


Currently, AMD is deleting posts about 5950x overheating. Nice job!


And Trek, you know when a company tries to hide something, it means that something is true and they don’t want it out there because of all of the hype “AMD better than Intel” and all that nonsense. It’s not good for business. I don’t know why are you defending them, I’m sure you’re not a stock holder or something. Or are you Trek?!



**bleep** man. If this is true, then it probably means, it never going to change. Or I hope this is temporary until they ll resolve this. However, deleting a post makes things only worst and make our words here true.


Talked with my retailer. AMD assured them an update is going to come to resolve the issues. My retailer had a lot of complaints from people with 5000 series. The tech support guy told me to say everything that’s wrong with the CPU so that it’s recorded, and added that, if AMD doesn’t resolve the issue with the Feb update I can return the CPU and mobo and change it or get my money back. So, I don’t know 🤷‍ 


Nope, I have not seen any information from AMD or acknowledgement of some temperature issues. Can you provide link to press release, please?

Exactly the opposite, AMD clearly explained that temperature up to 90C in full load is as designed.

If someone has 80C or 90C with AIO while playimg games with RTX 3090 then it is also ok, because that card generates 350W and more of heat that i usually released onto the said CPU due to current AIB desing of these cards.

I believe that your retailer - they just do not want to deal with nonsense so they will accept CPU and motherboard back, they will sell it immediately anyway.

Thanks to this misinformation and total nonsense some people return CPUs, even golden samples to feel sorry later.


If you want low temps, you need to do custom water cooling for both GPU and CPU and have air peformance case anyway, then you will have 75C or less, otherwise 80C - 90C is normal while gaming.

Did you see the image from AMD abou cooling the 5000 series? Where it says the max temp the CPU should have with an AIO? It’s 90c full load with an air cooler. You are doing the misinformation here, Trek. Even people with custom water cooling are seeing these temps, some are in this thread also, but I’m sure you still didn’t bother to go over it.. I’m sorry for you, man. You’re so passionate about AMD till the point you’re not seeing things objectively. It’s just a company like any other. You don’t have to defend them. I respect the passion, but everything has a limit..

80 degrees fully stock. As in stock. Not "stock with PBO enabled" as has been repeatedly mentioned on this thread also in multiple occasions. 🤦‍



But you still you didn't provide a photo with the full load of your 5950x and its temperatures. You only posted a photo with voltage and temperature. And the 1.0 something voltage we see there, it's surely not even a 4.5GHz frequency of the CPU I guess.

Wondering why you don't post it after I asked too about it considering you are saying everything is fine but you never showed the frequency and the load level of the CPU.

However we saw here a user posted that he is using 2 x 360m custom loops and he is still getting high temps.

Can't really understand what you will get by defending AMD on this matter while slowly slowly more articles about it ll be published in the Internet and then AMD should have a nice answer.

A nice but not fake.




I provided already a full log file and even bothered to graph it, including quite a bit of data. The fact that you refuse to read properly is not my fault.


this is the way these CPU’s should behave. If you think it’s normal that one 5800x should behave much differently than another 5800x, or any other 5000 series cpu, I don’t know what to say about you. If you’re happy with 80c spikes while opening a program, and 50-60c idle, good for you. But you should know that’s not normal.

I also keep my build in a separate room, with 10-15c ambient temps. I don’t see this behaviour on mine.


Slide from AMD in air conditioned room, without 400W graphics card, if one adds high performance and TDP graphics card, expectations must be adjusted.

For 5950x if temp is below 90C in load then No intervention is required. If temp is > 90C fix or add more cooling.

What is difficult to understand here?



I have it in an air conditioning room. I also have 2 builds that are the same, just different mobo. One has high temps, the other never goes past 29c in idle, never spikes. Why don’t you understand? 


Why don't you try swapping the CPU, if you have 2 builds with the exact same components?-


I did that, it works. So that says it’s a BIOS issue for some moon’s. the mobo on the high temp one is not defective, because I tried a 3950x and it idles perfectly. It’s like a lottery with mobos. You can get 2 Crosshair hero viii. On one it works properly, on the other it overheats. 



What do you mean with "It works"?. You mean the CPU that was hot on the one system is no longer hot and the other one that wasn't, now is? 


Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. Now you see the issue? A lot of people are experiencing this, and I’m sure it’s not hardware related. You can have 2 identical mobos, exact bios, and on one of them it just doesn’t work. 




That does indeed sound like an issue in one of your systems, yeah.

Question, on the hot system, did you ever play with Ryzen Master?


No, everything is stock. I want to show this issue on stock settings. I don’t think that people need to change setting in BIOS or Master to make a product work as it is supposed to. You have some people who have no idea how to use a BIOS or Master, that will buy these CPU’s. I’m telling you, I know it’s a software issue, I’m in a fortunate position to have these systems and to check. That’s why the retailer told me I can refund it, because he know I have 2 from them + the info from AMD. It’s normal to have issues like these early days, it’s not normal not being transparent about them. But that’s just how it works, and we sit here and argue instead of being on the same side, while they make money off of us and don’t give a crap. 


I'm on the same side as you - if you also wanna be, that requires we're both civil and I'm genuinely trying to have a conversation with you.

Up to both of us then.

I agree that components should work OOTB without tinkering by the user, there, no argument. Tools such as Ryzen Master and the BIOS are there for people like enthusiast who want to explore further.

The reason for my question is because on a couple of occasions, when I clicked "Apply and Test" the settings from within RM, it would apply>restart>test and be done. Then upon checking with task manager I'd find windows only saw 16 threads instead of 32. This caused my temps to jump by about 20c on benchmarks. I reproduced this issue twice. 

But if you haven't touched it, then it's nothing for you to check.