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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen 9 3900x is out of stock

I've placed Ryzen 9 3900x on pre-order on launch day just after 3pm in the UK and it is still out of stock and, as I understand, it is the same everywhere. There are costumers already cancelling their order and turning to the competitor instead according to forum posts so I came here to seek for some answers since we can't get any from our retailers - again, according to costumer's posts under the regarding topic on forums.

92 Replies

User to user forum, we can't tell you when they'll be in stock because we don't know, and not even the AMD reps here, like amdmatt‌ can tell you. The only ones who can are the retailers as they are the only ones with access to their shipping records.


I doubt very seriously that people will "turn to the competitor" simply because of a retailer's temporary out-of-stock position...;)  First of all, what "competitor"?  Secondly, all it means is demand is very high for the CPU--so whatever stock they had sold out extremely fast.  Be patient, is my advice..;)

Actually its true, many many customers have cancelled orders and swapped to i9n-9900k, which is still better for gaming.

I've strongly considered it myself and will it consider it further. The lack of information from AMD is disgracefully and thoroughly unprofessional and this is becoming their MO at each major release. The entire tech community jumped on board and got behind AMD this time around and we all celebrated their achievement with the Ryzen gen 3 success... and this is a real slap in the face and a huge failure on AMD part to deliver on the platform. And this lead to further concerns... with the failure of the 3900x to achieve persistent max boost clock ( which was a major selling point on the chip) customers are now deeply concerned that the hold on stock is symptomatic of a greater problem having being discovered.

i am personally holding my order for the 3900x as is right now purely due to a desire to gain access to gen 4 pcie. Theg ains in terms of prepossessing power for my work are nice, but not super critical. My intention is switching to the AMD platform was to support them... i felt they had earned some brand loyalty and intel had lost some brand loyalty due to insane prices and security flaws and the failure of 10nm to impress....

i am now reconsidering my thoughts on AMD. And we are just the consumer market. AMD's intention was to move into server sales and the corporate environment. This lack of product stock and literally NO communication is HUGEEEEE failure right there.

Retails have literally no word from AMD to go on. Amazon have them estimated anywhere from 1 to 3 months ship time if you order now. thats how bad it is. Meanwhile jackals are selling them at nearly 1000 on ebay. Absolutely appalling shocking failure from AMD.

Funny you should say that, because it has happened. One person i know got tired of waiting for 3800x to come back in stock, when those were also constantly out of stock, and bought a 9700k and z390 board.


I'm waiting since release, and it's always out of stock everywhere. Is there some shortage of Ryzen 9s? Looks like only very limited amount was produced.


I checked with my retailer, there it says : can be delivered after 15 days,... 


Sadly, this post is the only bit of information regarding the end of the Ryzen 9 out of stock issue.  Prodoctor1987 got word from his retailer.  Otherwise, crickets … chirp  …. chirp

Adept I

Personally, with no information from AMD or retailers, I also think they will lose sales.  Only this morning there was an Intel i990k on a decent discount on HotUKDeals website.  So perhaps Intel or savvy retailers are keen to take advantage of this crazy lack of information and fulfil the need for high specced CPU's!

Journeyman III

My daughter needs a new PC. We heard great things about the new Ryzen 9 so we picked parts targeting using this CPU.   We now have all the parts but no CPU .  Spent the past week checking the internet for someone to get it in stock, but nothing. Adding to the frustration is no information on when it may be available.  AMD needs to put something out there.  Starting to contemplate other options. 

not available in canada either

Journeyman III

Seriously, i'm a bit boring of this situation too ...

Purchased the 3900x Day one in french in RueDuCommerce, i call them and told me "maybe in september we dont have any news from AMD ..." welllllll !

Adept I

sad to see some of the replys are not helpful at all some one said what ever stock they had they sold out is he saying there was stock in the uk i dont think so as soon as they were available to pre purchase i did and im still waiting with no date in sight amds release date was a big joke on its world wide customers and i for 1 wont forget it

Adept I

Good news! UK retailers seem to be getting stock as mine is now ready for despatch!  Phew, so glad I held in there and didn't cave and go for the Ryzen 7 3700x!  Pleased it;s finally shipping, but AMD have not covered themselves in glory with their lack of communication!

Journeyman III

You are lucky !

For me, i'll wait 1 week, if no improvement i'll go on 9900K, same price but little bit more perform on games so .... Will see if AMD do it well i'll be on AM4 let's see in one week lol

Adept I

...not available in TURKYE either


just checked and still not in stock

Journeyman III

I ordered from Amazon UK on the 9th. I have Prime and they promised 19-20th of July delivery date. Given I was a touch late I figured the extra wait made sense.  Come the date of delivery, nothing. Amazon now say 1-3 month wait..... I find it hard to believe that it could really be that long, but maybe it really just is that bad.  I've contacted ebuyer, OCUK, and Scan and they all can't give me any info on when AMD will be supplying them with more.  This CPU will be the first component I ordered of my new build, and will be the last to arrive, by potentially months?!  Very bad of AMD.  I actually needed this build up and running for the summer, this sucks massively.

Ccl Computers in the UK were the best for me. I got on chat and was told they had sold their initial allocation, but had stock coming and 4 per order places left. They couldn't give any dates as it was up to (the useless AMD). I also placed preorder at the same time with Scan and Overclockers. 

CCL came though and we're the first to get stock, scan and OC's still haven't got any. So well played CCL, they gave enough info to say that I'd be in the next batch... Scan and OC simply couldn't give any info at all.

Waiting excitedly for the DPD driver today... (sad, I know) 

Best of luck! 

Adept II

I ordered a ryzen 9 3900x July 5th From Best Buy. They do not have a clew when they are coming. Amazon,Newegg, Microcenter are sold out.

Adept I

scan uk web page now saying item due 29th july it was saying over due since 15th july. sooo amd what happend to the 7 .7 release...........i bet if intel gave a release date it would be there on that day


I have checked several stores and all are back ordered so it appears AMD may need to increase production of the Ryzen R9 3000 series models.

Adept I

Does Ryzen 9 3900x appear in stock or do we go to the competition?
Passing it from 5820k and I just wanted to go to 3900x but I seem to wait too long, stay for a week and if not then 3900x on stock go to 9900k without any retention.


You're free to go to Intel's 12 core Skylake-X platform, the i9-9920X is only $700 more expensive.

No, I'm going to go for a 9900k I need a pc and I can not stay for months to 3900x on stock, as I said I stay for a week if it does not appear I'm going directly to the intel!
No one gives an answer about AMD stocks, so what are we waiting for?


So you're paying $485 for an 8 core Intel instead of $330 for an 8 core AMD (3700X), when the performance difference between the 3700X and 3900X in games is marginal? Makes sense...


I wanted 3900x for premier pro cc more not necessarily games, if i just wanted games I stay with the current pc i7 5820k 4.6 OC and I was going all the games very well.

Journeyman III

B&H kept pushing their dates back, now they have no ETA for the 3900x. I cancelled my pre-order on B&H and now I'm just anxiously waiting to snag one through Amazon or Newegg when they come back in stock for literally five seconds maximum.


I had better luck with my local Microcenter.  There CPUs are store pickup only, and there were 9 or so 3900Xs in stock shortly after launch.  If you have a local store that doesn't ship remotely, that is probably the best bet.


Seems that the lower cost X570 motherboard on my wishlist is out of stock too

So the motherboard I like and CPU are both backordered.

CPU is not that expensive, some X570 motherboards cost even more

Adept I

Hi, Thank you for your custom. We're writing to give you an update on your order. The despatch date for your order has been updated. Your estimated despatch date was 26 July 2019. Your new estimated despatch date is 05 August 2019. 

I pre paid on the 7th of july  am not happy at all amd 


I am surprised to see that the 3800X is also fairly hard to come by.  The 3700X is readily available, and I wouldn't have thought that many people would spend the extra $70 on the 3800X. 

Journeyman III

How can this be happening? AMD must make a statement, it is not normal to be out of stock for a month and it seems that it will continue that way for another month. No store has, Amazon says that from one to three months, this is not normal. Every day the i9 is more juicy...

Adept I

In the same situation I am, I asked at all the stores and always the same answer we do not know when it appears 3900x on stock, AMD does not give any statement regarding 3900 x, honestly now both had chances to sell 3900 x enough pieces but it seems that he does not want and nobody will go to the competition (Intel) have waited long enough and even understand them.
Very good AMD in this style you manage to bump yourself out of the processor market!

I was waiting to see when the R9 3950X comes to market in September.

That CPU should being Threadripper performance to socket AM4.


If you can find it. 


ajlueke wrote:

If you can find it. 

Have not heard anything more since Lisa first mentioned it was 16/32 cores

The R9 3950X is likely going to be expensive for a while before prices settle down

Journeyman III

I was so excited about what AMD pulled off with the July 7th launch. I've built tens of systems with Intel processors, and would consider myself brand-loyal to Intel. That was the case until Intel fumbled 10nm and have been refreshing the same tired 14nm architecture for years now. AMD made their move - not with a competitive product line, but a superior one! It was enough for me to plan my new HEDT build around the Ryzen 9 3900X, forgetting about Intel altogether.

Now, it's early august, and I have to ask... AMD, given that you have the rare opportunity to convert a huge number of Intel-loyal HEDT enthusiasts over to team red, why cant you supply the market with the product it demands? Is this a paper launch (probably not)? Other than engineering samples sent out to reviewers, I don't know anybody who has actually purchased a 3900X. Yes, I know the product exists and people have gotten their hand on it, but so few. Are you hoping to push prospective 3900X customers to 3950X?  If this problem is outside of your control, then well, it's just unfortunate, but if this is a strategy, understand that you are pissing off a lot of new customers that are riding the fence. If I didn't already commit by purchasing >$5000 in hardware to support my new build, I would vomit up my recently swallowed red pill and go back to team blue.

I see three options here - hope my pre-order goes through soon, wait for 3950X (where hopefully you won't make the same mistake), go back to Intel after somehow I manage to return all of my new hardware.


There are quite a few in stock today at my local store.  They don't sell them online, but I guess I can drive down there and pick one up.  Or I guess I could pick them all up and toss them on eBay.  In all honesty I think that is what is happening with the supply.  EBay is still showing numerous sales per day at inflated prices.  As long as people keep buying them at those prices, the resellers will scoop up all the stock to keep the prices inflated. 

The last bastion are the local sellers that don't sell some products online.  The resellers would have to be physically nearby to get those.


The question is, after the revelation that Ryzen 3000 series CPUs - Mix of 1 "fast" and X "slow" cores (TomsHardware with AMD responses)‌, why would you not wait and see if AMD releases a revised line with all "fast" cores as TSMC's 7nm process matures, along with the new release bugs to be worked out...Then there's the debate of how useful a 12 core 2 memory channel processor is against a 12 core 4 memory channel Threadripper.